A Non-Vaccine by Any Other Name: I Think We have a Winner
Dear Friends,
Profuse gratitude to all of you who submitted ideas and opinions for a catchy, accurate replacement for “vaccine” on my December 16 post, Name That Shot: Please Vote, Let’s Be a Focus Group. You validated my wish to act as a focus group. We are getting down to 2 semi finalists, thought not closed to new submissions if they fit the criteria below. Please vote in comments after reading the whole short article.
Realizing in the beginning that calling Covid shots “vaccines” was a psychological manipulation, in addition to a trick to get immunity from liability, I knew we had to replace it with a good alternative. The best I could think of was VINO, Vaccine in Name Only. I thought it was OK but imagined there existed an ideal replacement that would work even better but I couldn’t figure it out. Hence, relying on the wisdom of the crowd.
Please Vote for Semifinalists in Comments
(I am revising this, after 788 views, due to feedback from Dana Ullman, whom I respect and has a valid point.)
One suggestion jumped out as the perfect term I dreamt existed, but thanks to Dana there are two that may work.
Please state your choice - Note
the term should meet all the criteria below
do not be attached to your own idea, no ego considerations while trying to save humanity
ask other people what works for them
imagine it being in public discourse
Criteria for a Covid Shot Neologism
Since the diagnosis is “mass hypnosis,” described by Belgian psychologist and statistician Mattias Desmet, and since I claim that the deceptive, seductive use of the word “vaccine” acts as a powerful, pervasive hypnotic induction, we needed an antidote to break the spell and to “take back public discourse” in the words of cognitive linguist, George Lakoff, the “father of framing.” Thus we set the terms of the debate ourselves, rather than reinforcing the terms set by those manipulating and controlling the dominant narrative.
The new term has to be
· Catchy
· Accurately descriptive
· Must reveal a deeper truth about the shots
· Bubble-bursting, differentiating these from vaccines
· Understandable to the masses
· Create an image in people’s minds so compelling that they can no longer think of these shots in the same way as vaccines
· Auditorily able to replace “vaccine”
· Able to be used in every expression used for “vaccines” – noun, very, pro, anti, etc. so when you listen to the news, can use it to replace every utterance of “vaccine”
* It should flow well in conversation. Try using one at a time in a conversation and see how it flows.
Before I reveal my choice, please look at this list and pick your first two choices. After there is a clear winner, we can start a blitz to replace “vaccine”, as a social experiment and see whether we can get it accepted into public discourse and maybe the dictionary. Who knows?
Here are some of the candidates. There are more in the comments of Name That Shot: Please Vote, Let’s Be a Focus Group.
1. VINOs[1] – Vaccines in Name Only
2. Frankenshots[2]
3. Clot Shots[3]
4. Pseudo Vaccines
5. Quaxines
6. VaxGene[4]
7. Hacksxxxine[5] Hackscene
8. MalVaxx[6]
Toxxine (submitted by Diana - not me)
My Choice
While each has some appeal, I originally chose Hackscene. Dana Ullman preferred VaxGene, which also meets the criteria. Play with both and see what feels more likely to catch on.
Hackscene or VaxGene? Both fulfill all the criteria.
Support for Hackscene
Much gratitude to Grasshopper Kaplan for Hacksxxxxine, and to Andi, truly as a “Conscientious Collaborator” for this spelling, Hackscene, which I think works better – a true synergy.
Their comments
Grasshopper Kaplan Writes Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp… ·Dec 16 Hacksxxxxine conveys that it is hacking our DNA and hacking us to shredddies. Call it a haxxine and it will go away. Spell it with at least 3 xesss. Hacksxxxine. From Hackensack. Like the Monk tune. I suggest and vote for... Hacksxxxine. Grasshopper Kaplan

Andi Writes Currency of Truth ·Dec 16 Hackscene. I could use this when being more forceful in communication. In think I’d be ok with being called Anti-hackscene ;)
It works on many levels. I wish I thought of it.
The shots hack DNA, hack into the immune system, hearts, blood vessels, may hack into fertility, hack our personal data, hack into our finances, social structure, relationships, and our psyches.
And “scene” because it is a scene of a crime, a scene of the body, a scene of society, etc.
Replacement test runs.
Toxxinated and the Untoxxinated
Pro toxxine Anti toxxine
Pandemic of the toxxinated
“Hackscenated and the unhackscenated,”
“anti-hacks” or “pro-hacks.”
Covid is a pandemic of the “hackscenated” who can transmit.
Vaxgenated and the Unvaxgenated
anti-VaxGene or “pro-vaxGgene”
Covid is a pandemicof the “VaxGenated” who can transmit.
Spiked and unspiked
Covid as a pandemic of the “spiked”
So please vote in comments for
Pseudo Vaccine
Something better that meets all criteria
A Tipping Point
Everything everyone does pushes us towards a tipping point. As truth emerges, discrepancies mount, everything we do can help.
Please Weigh In
Please share your thoughts and ideas about usage, associations, spellings, criticisms, challenges and then we can move forward.
Gratitude to Substack
I am thinking of Substack as our playground where we can meet and play together with ideas and strategies and invite others to come join us as we build this community.
[1] Diane Perlman
[2] Francis Boyle
[3] Ryan Cole
[4] Diane Perlman
[5] Grasshopper Kaplan
[6] Clement J. Laniewski
You said understandable to the masses so I would suggest pseudo vaccine. Most people I know would wonder at hackxine
I vote for #6 vaxgene! I don’t “hack scene” will ring a bell! I am a Progressive Feminist Activist & a Veteran of the Civil Rights Move, the anti-Vietnam War Mov., the anti-Iraq Mov. Etc, etc. Almost everyone I know & have known for other 50 years in social change activism have gotten the jabs & have or will be getting the booster! They have no questions! They are completely convinced that this is the right course of action! These are all college educated, some with advanced degrees who have been questioning everything before! But not this! It is so scary! I have never seen anything like it! To question, brings immediate condemnation & anger! It is worse than you think! As a psychologist, perhaps you can think of ways to break this mass hysteria! I hope so!