Can Public Comments Penetrate FDA’s Illusory Parallel Universe?
Heroic Public Testimony at VRBPAC Meeting 1/26/2023
Note 1: This article contains two experiential thought experiments
On January 26[1], the 178th Meeting of Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) met to pretend to have a process before unanimously “voting” to authorize a simplified annual Covid shot in order to not confuse the public.
At these meetings, members go through the motions. They present slides of fraudulent studies, lie about things like myocarditis being normal, mild, reversible and worse from Covid than the shots, and other fabrications that most people believe. They exaggerate benefits, deny and minimize adverse reactions, deaths, flaws in the studies, negative efficacy and more.
I began watching FDA’s VRBPAC and CDC’s ACIP “advisory” committee meetings in June, 2021, horrified as they progressed from authorizing mRNA shots for 12 – 17-year-olds, to 5 – 11-year-olds, to 6-month to 4-year-olds, to approving new formulations without human clinical trials, to approving bivalent boosters only tested on 8 mice who failed the experiment and were then killed without autopsies.
What next? Annual shots to simplify the process, using questionable formulas based on no science or human trials. This is a new tactic to massively administer Covid shots into the future. Seamlessly seeming like the questionable but unquestioned annual flu shot, this new strategy lacks necessity, effectiveness, safety, scientific data, and clinical trials to support validity. As VRBPAC’s voting member Dr. Pamela McGinnis dared to remind the committee, Covid is not the flu.
Pre-sung Heroes
I would like to shine a light on a little-known group of heroes who deserve our attention and admiration. They did something remarkable, yet invisible to most. Their testimonies during VRBPAC’s Open Public Hearing put some cracks in the Hoover Dam of lies.
Although impacts may not be immediately apparent, their voices must be reverberating, consciously and unconsciously within the souls of VRBPAC members who were forced to bear witness to their unwanted testimony.

16 people presented. 14, including several whose lives were shattered by the jab, passionately exposed inconvenient truths. Of the remaining two, one naively advocated for “vaccine” uptake and a scientist proposed an innovative pain-free, needle-free nasal vaccination platform, potentially superior to mRNA. Spoiler alert: the VRBPAC committee ignored him too - no curiosity about other people’s inventions.
Most comments were from or about people whose lives have been shattered following the Covid shots. They gave searing, 3-minute testimonials during the required, not desired, one-hour Open Public Hearing. As Paul Simon said, “Hearing without Listening.”
Here are their names. If you know any of them, please forward this to them.
· Jester Jersey
· Martha Hudson
· Nicole G
· Vanessa McMahon
· Robert Edmonds, PhD
· Dustin Bryce, Interest of
· Dr. Arun Upadhyay, Ocugen, Chief Scientific Officer
· Danielle Baker, RN
· Tim Dowling
· Nicola Adolphe
· Justin Prince
· Angie Bluford
· Kerri O’Neill
· Russel Milko
· Terry Jenkins
· Allan MacRae
I encourage you to watch the only authentic hour of the day, from 5:08 to 6:09. To see your tax dollars at work, watch parts of the entire meeting. Check for feeling tone, credibility, fluffy data, and context. Do your own investigation of denied conflicts of interest and revolving doors. It is important that VRBPAC members be watched, with public scrutiny and accountability.
If you don’t want to suffer the full 8 hours, read Dr. Meryl Nass’s humorous live blog exposing lies, hypocrisies, conflicts of interests, and dirty tricks. It’s better than being there.
Pay attention to the transition from the emotional, morally outraged Public Hearing to the cold, self-congratulatory meeting. It is a bizarre disconnect, after 6:09.
Before you watch, here are two thought experiments.
Psychological Thought Experiment 1
Think about the individuals who stepped up to speak. Imagine
· how each chose to request to present
· what message they wanted to communicate
· to whom they targeted their message
· their process of preparing
· how they felt before during and after presenting
· how they felt about the lack of response to them
· what feedback they got from people who watched them.
We owe them a debt of respect to watch the hour.
Psychological Thought Experiment 2
Think about the 21 VRBPAC members who were forced to watch. Place yourself in the mindset of people who spent their careers promoting and profiting from these shots being faced with individuals whose lives have been devastated by their actions.
· What are they thinking?
· What do they do with the hard-to-deny truths in their faces?
· What kind of mental gymnastics are they going through, struggling with whether and how to respond?
· How might a decent person respond in a healthy, rational manner given the extreme peer pressure and financial incentives to vote “Yes”?
How Was This Public Hearing Different from All Other Public Hearings?
Public comments are always a refreshing break from the monotony. Presenters are parents, nurses, doctors, scientists, people harmed by the shots and their loved ones. Some are decent, ignorant, brainwashed people, and terrified parents, beside themselves begging to vax little ones to be free from lockdowns so they can stop living in fear.
Those promoting shots with no legitimate data are interspersed with those presenting scientifically sound, independent, unrigged data, like Steve Kirsch, with his slide decks, Brie Jessen, severely injured and removed from the clinical trial she volunteered for, her husband Brian Jessen, PhD, chemist, Dr. Josh Guetzkow, Ph.D., Hebrew University sociologist/criminologist etc. and others over the years.
The January 26, 2023 Open Public Comments differed in
· the ratio of those urging for authorization of shots (1) to those exposing their harms and deception (14)
· the absence of people begging to jab children
· the raw, dignified emotional tone and expression of suffering
· the benefit of time, more data and emerging truth on sudden deaths
· shifting attitudes and beliefs
· stunningly bold personal challenges appealing to VRBPAC members consciences
· directly holding members to account and not letting anyone off the hook.
The Undeniable but Nevertheless Denied Crack in FDA’s Plausible Deniability
As of about 2:20 PM on January 26, the FDA VRBAC Meeting Committee members had to know that we know that they know that we know that their shots don’t work, increase infection and transmission and cause massive, profound harm and death. These shots are ruining lives. Yet, they behaved as if they did not know what they can’t not know.
Do they have a collective dissociative disorder? Are they in denial? This is not only an internal, privately experienced cognitive dissonance. It is happening in broad daylight before witnesses. The more of us watching, the better.
The One Exception
FDA’s Moderator, Dr. Susan Paydar, (not a voting member), surprisingly stood out as the only compassionate, empathic, decent FDA member showing a shred of humanity. She alone expressed heartfelt gratitude to presenters for sharing their experiences and sincere sorrow for their pain and suffering.
“Thank you for sharing your difficult personal experience. Our prayers are with you.”
The Words of Our Heroes Who Stepped Up for Us
Below are summaries of our pre-sung heroes. Let’s sing their praises. They rose up to represent all of humanity to pierce the veil of denial. Their heartfelt words are in bold italics.
Some had power point presentations. Here are highlights of each public comment with a representative selection of their slides.
· Jester Jersey from the Kiwanis Club and “Vaccinate your Family” appealed to
increase vaccination rates and trust. He was a good-hearted guy, committed to several causes (vision, obesity), misinformed about Covid shots like most.
Note his presentation was not based on science, and likened to social justice for other public health issues.
· Martha Hudson described how platforms for the “vaccine” injured were ignored. She accused them of profits over people and directed censorship.
Why is elephant being ignored?
The truth will be uncovered and the level of your transparency will be judged. It is only a matter of time.
Why do shots increase risk of contracting Covid? We need transparency.
You knew. What would it take to alarm you? Do what’s right. Research us.
· Nicole G, is injured and unable to work due to injuries caused by shots mandated by her employment. She presented the work of Hebrew University sociologist, Josh Guetzkow, PhD. (See interview with pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas, Children’s Health Defense TV With the Wind).
Since the safety signal was only acknowledged 15 months after the shots began, there could be NO Informed consent.
CDC said there were no unexpected safety signals, which means they were expected.
Members of the committee must demand to know why the FDA and CDC covered up.
Here are selected slides from her presentation of Guetzkow’s work.
· Vanessa McMahon brought up excess deaths. She cleverly and magnanimously offered the committee contacts and references for reputable, legitimate doctors, experts and websites.
“Are you aware of the dangers?”
“It would be unconscionable to approve of any further vaccines”
· Robert Edmonds, PhD spoke about tinnitus and adverse reactions experienced by him, his wife, Dr Cohen and his wife, and told of the high rates of suicide and need for a suicide hotline for sufferers of intolerable tinnitus. He referred to Dr Harpaz that FDA didn’t examine J&J’s mass danger signal.
Where is the funding? I want you to find answers to these questions. That’s my Call to Action for you. Please don’t make your response the same as Dr Tom Shimabukuro had when I asked for research which was, “Thank him for his email. Cut him off. “We were cut off, but we are still here.
He said this publicly with Shimabukuro present amongst all.
· Dustin Bryce, Interest of on FDA’s moral and legal problem.
“Stop these shots today They need to be stopped today.”
They tried to hide data for 75 years, over piles of dead bodies and enhanced disease.
A quote from the framework EUA fact sheet proves that you omitted what is required for Informed Consent is completely prohibited.
The quote: “A consent process for use of unproven clinical interventions that does not explicitly recognize the scientific community’s uncertainty about the risk benefit ratio is not ethically appropriate”
The FDA is not considering engagement with experts who dissent and that’s a big problem for the future regimen of the EUAs.
Widespread use of unproven interventions outside of clinical trials for preventative interventions should be discouraged for all harm related interventions are iatrogenic
FDA is authorizing human experiments in a way that violates ethical boundaries.
EUAS must be revoked immediately. Community engagement is essential to establish and maintain trust and preserve social order.
CITIZENS PETITION - Share it far and wide!
· Dr. Arun Upadhyay, Ocugen, Chief Scientific Officer
He was the second presenter not challenging the shots, but sincerely presenting an alternative “vaccine,” a proof of concept of a simple needle-free, pain-free, safe, effective, adaptable, and scalable vaccine.
NOTE: Twice during the discussion, Dr. Pamela McGinnis raised concerns about only focusing on the mRNA platform and requested that the committee be open to other technologies. She is the only “individual” on the Committee with her own mind, pushing the envelope a bit, though stuck in the old paradigm.
Do you think anyone on the committee was curious and interested in exploring this new approach further?
· Danielle Baker, RN, severely injured that she was crying and her voice was cracking throughout.
“Hear me! The vaccine injured are real!
She reluctantly got the Pfizer shot after being coerced by her employer, leaving her in financial ruin because I took the shot to keep the career that I loved and no longer have … I didn’t get the care that I needed and I was dismissed.
She submitted a report to the Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reporting System, (VAER) that was disappeared from the system.
Is it because you take your marching orders from Pfizer or Big Pharma? The only thing more humiliating than the loss of my bodily functions is your complete disregard for the “vaccine” injured. Shame on every single one of you! My former employer doesn’t care. The CDC doesn’t care and it seems my FDA certainly doesn’t care!
I was dismissed.
FDA Moderator Susan Paydar, said “Thank for sharing. I am truly sorry to hear of all the pain you had. I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to share with us.”
She personally acknowledged each presenter, as I have never seen before in previous public comments.
· Tim Dowling
It is obvious we all know people who are worse off since receiving a Covid vaccine.
He rattled off a long list of harms and adverse reactions of extended family members and others, including sudden deaths of young people, cancers, strokes, healthy friends and relatives with high cholesterol, asthma, menstrual disorders, skin cancer, someone who collapsed and died.
He has never seen anything like this before. No one has!
Declared and undeclared interests to defend will accuse me of advancing anecdotal evidence. I will accuse them of crying all the way to the bank. Ladies and gentleman, you have hearts of stone! Shockingly none of this is a surprise.
Bad faith and profiteering has been such that the principle should be extended across the smorgasbord of vaccines. This is our fellow human beings we are talking about, our species. Ladies and gentlemen, stop the rollout!
Nicola Adolphe. Has an autonomy hotline in the UK, advocacy service, right health social care, patients’ rights, social care for the vulnerable who cannot consent to treatment - children, elderly, and disabled.
I am passionate about Informed Consent, the gold standard for dangerous medical practice becomes what we do not want to become.
You reach the most vulnerable members of society with these products. But the truth is society has no problem coercing vulnerable groups of people to line up first, their bodies are not their own. Fighting a vaccine order in family court leaves families penniless or fleeing their homes.
Where are disability rights that society claims to uphold?
This is the tip of the iceberg. They are so keen to seize on any form of consent. The
precautionary principle doesn’t appear to apply.
If a decision goes to court, the courts will simply authorize the vaccine withbno regard for the ethical implications involved.
Availability and licensing paves the way for professionals to abuse their power over those for whom benefits can’t be proven.
Violations of Human Rights are done in secret in the name of vaccination at the expense of the vulnerable.
This is one global Milgram experiment.
No best interest. No greater good.
I say in the name of Jesus this injustice needs to stop and only given to people with the capacity for full consent with full disclosure and any “No” should be as welcome as any “Yes.”
· Justin Prince On 6/22/21, Moderna shattered my life
He described detailed multiple medical symptoms in all organ systems.
.. the injured are left to their own devices without any compensation.
You are more concerned with managing a safety narrative over acknowledging that vaccines are a problem. It’s a breach of the Hippocratic oath
Children with little risk for Covid and high risk of adverse reactions from “vaccines” defies logic and only makes sense in the context that the FDA receives a large percentage of its funding from the pharmaceutical companies that it is supposed to be regulating.
No one who got the shot gave Informed Consent because the risks were censored and the benefits were falsified. Every shot was unethical and a medical malpractice.
Before the shot I was a healthy musician. Now at 29 can’t pursue a career music. I am an empty shell of my former self and often wish the vaccine took me out the day I received it as opposed to having zero quality of life and struggling to survive because the government doesn’t compensate for vaccine damages or fund studies to treat them.
I encourage you to hear our cries for help as if we were family. Would you still abandon us then?
· Angie Bluford 49 Mom of two, in 2021 in the best shape of her life. On 4/15/21 she gladly took the shots to “protect her family.” She listed multiple disabling symptoms in multiple organs, with losing tens of thousands of dollars.
I was great mom, wife, employee.
Spike protein is still present 603 days after last Moderna.
There are no words for the physical and mental anguish I endured for 2 years.
Please hear us. Help us. Immediately stop administering “vaccines.”
· Kerri O’Neill – not anti vax. Crying, she listed multiple systems. She is getting therapeutic bodywork with a naturopathic doctor that is helping.
· Russel Milko former manager of a major pharmaceutical company representing drugs and injectibles for 20 years. The FDA performed strict, double-blind, peer reviewed protocols. He expected them to be applied to gene therapy drugs.
Will this committee be willing to look at a new peer reviewed study that shows that 217,000 were killed by the products in the first year of use?
A peer reviewed article by Mark Skidmore using survey data shows 278,000 vaccines deaths but nobody wants to talk about it. The way science was this would be retracted.
Did the FDA do any surveys of the population? If they did, we’d like those data. Is FDA not doing any surveys on the population because they are afraid of the results?
I know doctors who took shots or would lose hospital privileges.
I ask the FDA advisory committee to have a private session with Drs. Peter MCullough, Robert Malone, Aseem Mulhotra, Pierre Kory, and someone who has taken many of these surveys, Mr. Steve Kirsch.
These need to be taken off the market.
· Terry Jenkins – an injured small business owner worked out 7/22/21
Please stop these shots.
A long list of symptoms, maltreatment by doctors, multiple diagnoses, permanent damage. Only Ivermectin worked.
This is a crime against humanity. My family misses me and I miss me.
Multiple family members had reactions. Some died.
My government has failed so many of us. You have gaslighted us. You have made the public think we are liars. We are under attack. You guys did this and you need to come up with a solution. Please stop these shots before they hurt anybody else and at least warn people about these adverse reactions that are happening. People actually think people aren’t dying and being hurt.
How ethical is it to move Board members from the FDA to the CDC to the pharmaceutical companies? You can save your breath.
How many more people have to die and be injured for you to stop this shot? How do you sleep with yourselves at night knowing that people are dying and being injured. Please search your souls because this is going to be a very, very bad year. Died suddenlies are beginning to pile up and this needs to be investigated. Please stop these shots, Thank you.
Again, moderator Susan Paydar expressed sorrow at people’s suffering. I never heard anyone at an FDA or CDC meeting personally responding to presenters, except for one who insulted them.
· Allan MacRae – Chronology, He warned about the scam in hospitals 3/1/20, the harm of lockdown, the Great Barrington Declaration.
1/8/21 he advised the government not to release shots. Excess deaths in 2020 was a hype.
Conclusion - Gestalt: The Whole is Greater than the Sum of the Parts
That is a principle of Gestalt Therapy. While each testimony stands on its own right, woven together as a whole tapestry, they paint a coherent, compelling picture. None contradicts another and each reinforces the others, even the Kiwanis guy and the inventor of the painless, needle-free platform.
VRBPAC members’ utter inability and/or refusal to respond in a humane way, except for non-voting Susan Paydar, creates a thick boundary delineating truth from fabrication and denial.
We owe a debt of gratitude to these heroes. We need to watch them and amplify their voices because abuse happens in dark alleys when no one is looking. It can only vanish when they know enough of us are watching. By holding the moral high ground we give them space to discredit themselves.
“To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which canceled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them… To forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again… that was the ultimate subtlety.”
—George Orwell, 1984
Note: I am adding this at the end to not distract from the flow of the article and our heroes.
A Few Comments Following the Open Public Hearing
Following the testimonies at 6:09, in the mother of all emotional disconnects, committee members cold-heartedly and automatically returned to business as usual.
At 6:56, Dr. Hayley Gans minimally acknowledged injuries, “I guess the question that I would have overall is how are we also handling other potential ways in which these vaccines are impacting our populations. So, obviously we heard some reports and there’s data out there so how are we tracking for instance potential autoimmune and other of those entities that maybe aren’t amenable to the rapid cycle.”
I don’t recall anyone answering her question except by not answering it.
Meryl Nass’s live blog described top CDC safety official Tom Shimabukuro’s framing of jab injuries as “long covid” as a “criminal misdiagnosis.”
“Meryl Nass: Let me be clear. Tom S just deliberately misdiagnosed a huge number of people after hearing their stories and studying their cases. This is illegal.”
Meryl Nass: Tom Shimabukuro did not make that up himself. He was instructed to call the vaccine injured 'long covid' by his bosses. Which includes Rochelle Walensky and probably other spin doctors. Tom is a person who does what he is told.”
Pamela McGinnis, a bit of a trickster, was my favorite. Like Cody Meissner, another past favorite among despicables, she made challenging comments whose logical conclusion would be a “No” vote, but they always vote “Yes.”
She told an anecdote of two people in their twenties, not sure if they are her children, who got the shots and boosters and then went to New Orleans to hear music and got Covid soon afterwards. She struggled with the problem of messaging to convince them that it would have been worse without the shots, as opposed to the obvious lack of efficacy.
She pointed out the ignored obvious, that mRNA is dominant because it was the first to market, coincidentally the one for which Fauci, Gates and committee members have the biggest financial investments. “I understand how that works may not be the best either as priming or as boosting. I want to urge making place for other platforms. You can produce it really, really quickly but it may not produce the breadth of coverage which is what I think our problem is now we know we induce really good neutralizing antibody .. but it seems to be pretty short-lived we can boost again and again so I want to be sure that we don’t shut down other platforms in trying to achieve what is the best approach on either an individual or a population basis.”
While Drs. McGinnis, Hildreth and Meissner all encouraged other platforms other than mRNA, they completely ignored Dr. Arun Upadhyay, Ocugen potentially promising alternative – blatant hypocrisy.
In giving reasons for their “Yes” votes, Dr. Nelson said, “Simpler is better, closer is better even if (a strain) disappeared and is on the way out.”
Simplification will spur “vaccine” uptake in all age groups.
“The bivalent shot is more simple and better.”
As with all previous Open Public Hearings, FDA and CDC officials remain impervious to data, ethics, and human suffering.
“My mind is made up. Don’t confuse me with the facts.”
[1] Apologies for lateness of posting this so long after January 26. I went to Cuba with a group from DC’s Busboys and Poets. I tried to post it during brief internet access in Cuba but was unable to attach the photos. I intend to write about Cuba later.
Thank you for helping thes
Thank you for this. These brave people who speak out about their horrible vaccine injuries are heroes. The FDA on the other hand…. There are no words for the dishonesty and injustice that is being done.