Expert Psychological Opinion on Harm to Children
Affidavit for Legal Case to Halt Covid Shots for Children
Dear New Friends,
I have the great honor of being asked to write an expert psychological opinion for a legal case in another country which I will identify later. I got some helpful feedback from some of you, revised it and submitted the final version. Substack is a good place for the “Wisdom of the Crowd.” Let’s use it well.
I think our immediate priority in the US and everywhere is to call at least a temporary halt to jabbing children until we can process all the data. Little ones who received the first do not have to rush to get the second, after which there are many more injuries.
I think that schools, religious communities and other networks should appoint a committee that is not a rubber stamp for the FDA and CDC, not all allopathically trained MDs. and to go to multiple, primary sources of information, hard data behind the propaganda.
Some countries, like Taiwan, are not giving the second shot to kids. Nordic countries halted giving these shots to people under 18. What might they know that we don’t know?
Also, earlier I recommended this weekly VAERS update with Alexis Baden-Mayer, Political Director at Organic Consumers Association, and Dr. Henry Ealy, founder and executive director of the Energetic Health Institute. I asked Alexis to focus on new data for children 5 - 11. However Henry wanted to talk about something deeper this week. Check it out.
Note - there are some formatting issues at the end that I could not figure out how to fix, fyi.
Let me know if there are other ways that this can be useful.
I am grateful for this community. Diane
Expert Psychological Affidavit on Harm of “Vaccinating” Kids. Diane Perlman, PhD
1. I, Diane Perlman, PhD am writing this on behalf of ________. I have not been paid by anyone. I write this as a matter of extreme urgency to provide expert psychological opinion regarding issues of mental health, impact on psychological development, the potential for psychological harm and trauma in children, their families, their schools, communities and society resulting from the push for coercive mass injections of children with experimental mRNA injections.
2. I have a PhD in clinical psychology and was a licensed clinical psychologist in Pennsylvania for 20 years. I practiced individual, couple and family therapy, Jungian analysis, and had a specialty in psychoneuroimmunology. I worked with people with immune conditions, presented at professional conferences, and studied exceptional physical healing.
3. I also specialize in political psychology and conflict analysis and transformation focusing on psychological manipulation of fear, framing, messaging, mystification, disinformation, fabrication techniques, propaganda, scapegoating, censorship, terror management theory, induced helplessness, image of the enemy, systems theory and dynamics of domination. There is an overwhelming consensus among colleagues who are aware of the current propaganda, that in our lifetimes, we have never seen such brilliant, powerful, well-planned, highly coordinated and funded use of these techniques and strategies as we are witnessing now. In the US over $10 billion has been spent on messaging, employing behavioral scientists.
4. I have an interest in human rights, the Nuremberg Code, professional ethical codes, and informed consent. Realizing that parents were unknowingly subjecting their children to irreversible harm, I wrote[1] about and created a “Truly Informed Consent Checklist for Pfizer BioNTech Injections for Children” APPENDIX 1. I am author of Living Rights: Making Human Rights Come Alive Activity Book and Journal and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Card Deck.
This can be printed as a 2-sided page, with a checklist that can be filled out on one side.
5. I have followed the literature on vaccine safety for 41 years. DNA and mRNA shots are technically NOT vaccines. They are Vaccines in Name Only, VINOs.
6. I have been immersed daily in all aspects of Covid since March 2020. I observed the process leading to Emergency Use Authorization for children ages 12 -17 and now, to my horror, 5 – 11. I have submitted, read and listened to public comments, including over 142,400 public comments urging the VRBPAC committee members to vote against authorization. I am familiar with how members of FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) and CDCs’ Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) are handpicked, have financial ties to Pfizer, Big Pharma and go through the revolving door with government agencies. I observed voting members present flimsy, fraudulent data, psychologically manipulate exaggerated fear of the Covid, minimize and lie about the undeniable risk of myocarditis, and completely ignore other adverse reactions and deaths, having excluded injured subjects from their trial data. I observed the following meetings:
· June 23, 2021 - Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, or ACIP, meeting to discuss the high incidence of myocarditis following Covid-19 shots, as well as the risk-benefit of Covid-19 shots for adolescents.
· October 26, 2021 U.S. Food and Drug Administration meeting of its Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) to discuss newly available data for the currently available COVID-19 vaccines and vote on whether risks outweigh the benefits.
· November 2, 2021 The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, or ACIP, discussion and vote about Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine for children ages 5 to 11.
· November 2, 2021, , Sen. Johnson’s Expert Panel On Federal Vaccine Mandates and Vaccine Injuries and personally met with several of those injured and doctors who testified.
· November 2, 2021 rally with those who testified on the Expert Panel, in front of the Supreme Court (See
· November 4, 2021 Senate Hearing on Covid-19 Task Force
7. I met people injured by mRNA shots and had known several who have subsequently died following the shots. Not one was reported to VAERS. My direct personal knowledge is consistent with what I read and observe on social media. It contradicts everything I hear on mainstream media and public radio and TV funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Johnson and Johnson. It is obvious propaganda, including lying about known science and recommending dangerous experimental interventions to children, pregnant women and those with natural immunity. This false information is responsible for injuries, miscarriages and deaths.
8. My analysis is based on my experience of US media, psychological messaging, school and public policies. These may or may not be similar in _________, such as the psychologically manipulated, near unanimous joy and eagerness of parents, naively trusting the CDC, FDA, school and political authorities, to subject their children to an unnecessary, dangerous procedure they do not need without receiving truly, fully, informed consent.
9. I will address the complex psychological conflicts that can arise from allowing children under 18 the option of getting the shots without parental knowledge and permission, and children’s incapacity to meet the criterion of informed consent as required by the Nuremberg Code.
10. Having stated my relevant qualifications, I assert that one does not need a degree in psychology to recognize what is completely obvious and self-evident to any accurately informed, rational human being with a capacity for analytical thinking, empathy and decency.
11. In my professional opinion, it is absurd that I even have to write an opinion about something so obvious, scientifically irrefutable, and well-documented. It is like writing an opinion about whether water is wet. Or more precisely, my expert psychological opinion about why we shouldn’t poison and traumatize children, their families and society. Why is there even a question about giving experimental shots with no benefit and known adverse reactions, injuries, disabilities and deaths, which are more frequent and severe with decreasing age?
12. From the perspective of conflict analysis and systems dynamics, it is strategically warranted to address the cause rather than the symptom. Before addressing the symptom of avoidable, unnecessary physical and mental harm to children, families and society, I must first address the causal agent, the irrationality, ignorance, fraud, psychopathology and criminality of parties and systems promoting and coercing such reckless, dangerous, catastrophic policies.
13. The inevitable, irreversible, life-altering, innate immune system-damaging, and life-threatening harm caused by unnecessary, unsafe and ineffective mRNA shots to children who have no chance of dying from Covid or of transmitting it to adults, and who are incapable of true informed consent, requires me to comment first on the soundness of those making, enforcing and requiring these injurious policies in that contradict known, documented, irrefutable science.
14. Why did the _______________ government suppress information on the effectiveness of early treatments, leading to deaths by hospital malfeasance, ignore the science, use failed PCR tests, and push the mandatory experimental vaccine agenda that increases deaths by all causes?[2]
15. Your stated premise of the “push to have children vaccinated” is the “untested theory that children can and should be used as a “shield” to protect society against the risk of the of Covid (by vaccinating them DP).”(DEPONENT _______leader of the ___________ Party)
16. That disinformation is the exact opposite of morality and scientific fact. Children do not transmit Covid to adults. There have been no outbreaks in schools. Children who get Covid have mild or asymptomatic cases, achieve enduring, robust natural immunity against variants, and then provide herd immunity to all. They can be buffers, not “shields.” It’s a win-win. The Amish people in the US have reached herd immunity by May, 2020 with no masks, distancing or lockdowns. Even if children could transmit to adults, it is immoral, unethical and against biology and evolution to sacrifice the young for the old.
17. Children are at a higher risk for adverse reactions and deaths, which increase with younger age.[3][4]
18. Another false premise regarding Minor Consent is the incorrect South African criterion that "A child may consent to his or her own medical treatment or to the medical treatment of his or her child if (a) the child is over the age of 12 years; and (a) the child is of sufficient maturity and has the mental capacity to understand the benefits, risks, social and other implications of the treatment.”
19. Children in the US under 18 are not mature enough to vote, join the military, or even to get a tattoo. They are NOT capable of informed consent. They are developmentally incapable of comprehending the risks involved in the “vaccine” campaign, even as most parents who are capable of informed consent lack accurate information. Many young people are known to feel invulnerable and engage in risky behaviors that they regret later.
20. The mere suggestion that some children might have “sufficient maturity and … mental capacity” is absurd on its face because even if a few children were mature enough – which they are not - there is no plausible or ethical way to assess each child’s level of maturity. This suggestion is one example that exposes an outrageous level of devious psychological manipulation to get more young people injected.
21. Truly, completely informed consent is impossible, even for adults, since there is no data on long term effects on fertility, autoimmunity, neurological disorders, cardiological damage, etc.
22. Given that there is absolutely no necessity, safety, efficacy or benefit from injecting children, with a non-zero probability of immediate, short-term, and/or long-term physical and psychological harm, injury and death, we must question the mental health of those promoting policies pushing the shots.
23. Those who promote, support and enforce such irrational, dangerous policies in defiance of known, documented, irrefutable science are either
· decent, well-meaning, overly trusting, incurious conformists, unknowingly acting as pawns, manipulated by conflict of interest mass media and collective groupthink, who do not do their own due diligence
· disregarding of warnings, willfully ignorant, irresponsibly colluding with harm to children
· grossly negligent, recklessly endangering youth by promoting something they do not understand
· in denial
· being coerced, possibly threatened, some combination of reward and punishment
· have a cognitive disorder
· have a character disorder, such as Excessive Power striving including a lack of empathy, callously exposing others to risks, indifference to suffering of others, cunning, ruthlessness, scapegoating and projection of blame (on the unvaccinated), corruption, addiction to power, demanding obedience, inducing dependency, exploiting of symbolism of pure vs. impure, lack of conscience, etc.
24. For all children and adults, the experience of receiving experimental injections will have immediate, short, and long-term physical, psychological, and social consequences. Long-term consequences are entirely unknown but will include cardiological, neurological, immunological, and reproductive harms, injuries, disabilities, pain, suffering and death of themselves, relatives and friends.
25. As the truth comes out, I expect a huge collective psychological crisis involving feelings of betrayal, extreme fear and dread of unknown ticking time bombs, helplessness, vulnerability, distrust, anger and rage. This will widely impact relationships in a variety of ways. There will be many lawsuits.
26. There are already widespread feelings of inconsolable guilt on the part of people who pressured others to get the shots who then had injuries and deaths, and deep resentment on the part of the injured, against those who required them to get the shots.
27. For many children in the US, the actual experience of getting “vaccinated,” especially at a school or community pop-up clinics will not be traumatic at all. It will be a relief, a long-awaited celebration, like Christmas and a big party, with gifts and ice cream, family and friends saving the world, being super heroes, getting their card, making a little sacrifice for the greater good, being liberated to have sleepovers, birthday parties and to end the scary pandemic with all its childhood, archetypal, mythical meanings. This ephemeral joyous memory will turn to a source of complicated emotions for the rest of their lives.
28. Every aspect will be experienced in a unique way according to age, from 5 to 18, reactions to the shots, level of psychological development, family dynamics, and culture. Elements of the experience will be seared into their psyches and can potentially alter their relationships and emotional, cognitive and psychological development. It can affect their worldviews and trust of authorities.
29. Children too young to understand will nevertheless absorb what is going on into their cognitive and emotional schemas.
30. Some children of compliant, enthusiastic parents may feel confused, fearful and unsafe in expressing their true feelings. Some may be criticized or punished.
31. The children of diligent, knowledgeable, and cautious parents who are refusing the shots might feel confused, left out, at a loss to what to say to their ‘vaccinated” friends, as a new minority. Some may be ostracized, humiliated, excluded. There is a huge variety of potential complicated emotions from being angry at their parents, feeling worried about their friends, feeling different, having to keep secrets, fear of saying something wrong, etc.
32. If there is a mandate and parents are coerced against their will to have their children vaccinated it will provoke justified, excruciating, intolerable emotions of fear, anger, betrayal and the government’s violation of every parent and guardian’s sacred duty to protect their children.
33. Given the VAERS data and testimonies of the vaccine injured, and very new data coming out on 5 – 11-year-olds,[5] everyone will inevitably bear witness to children having adverse reactions, injuries, deaths and impacts to every organ system. Jessica Rose concludes that, “approximately 1 in 10 children in this age group have already reported an adverse event in the context of administration of the COVID-19 injectable biological products. As of the latest VAERS update on November 19th, 2021, 82% of reports in VAERS in children ages 5-11 have been made immediately following injection. IMMEDIATELY. … These reports include 291 different adverse event types including loss of consciousness (the 9th most reported AE), seizures, herpes outbreaks, blindness, cyanosis and death, to name a few. In CHILDREN.”
34. In “We are killing our kids. Does anyone care?[6] Kids that would have never died from COVID are now dying after getting the vaccine. Will it ever end?” Steve Kirsch and Toby Rogers conclude that the vaccine will kill many more kids than it saves, if any.
35. Adults describe incredibly traumatic experiences of their vaccine injuries including extreme pain, numbness, tingling, convulsions, problems breathing, weakness, feeling as if dying, tinnitus, imbalance, etc. Such trauma will be magnified for children who have less capacity to understand and process what is going on, to communicate their symptoms, to cope with pain, disorientation, disability and other reactions.
36. Children experience time differently than adults. Whatever is going on feels like an eternity and is intensified.
37. Heart attacks, strokes and other symptoms are appearing for the first time in children. Doctors have never seen this before. They do not know how to treat these. These are experiences children have never had. But don’t worry, they are coming up with new drugs for blood clots and other new symptoms in children.
38. The “vaccines” undermine children’s magnificent innate immune systems and they may be damaged for life, in addition to causing increased chronic diseases, infertility, autoimmunity, and ADE. Children may be subject to lifelong medical procedures. The physical trauma will be compounded by emotions of anger, resentment, grief, and so on.
39. Children who experience AEs and their families will be traumatized and impacted financially. Their friends may experience vicarious trauma, survivor’s guilt, loss, grief, mourning, horror, burden, anger, betrayal, and mistrust of authorities.
40. Complicated, lifelong impacts may show up decades later. There may be an epidemic of infertility that will alter relationships and society. Young people may live in constant fear and dread.
41. There are already reports of incredible suffering, loss, grief, depression, anxiety and suicides among those injured.
42. My mind reels in horror from playing out the myriad of complex, dangerous emotional, psychological and physical consequences that can result from allowing young people to receive these shots without permission and/or without the knowledge of their parents.
43. Pre-adolescence and adolescence are times of rapid changes, emotional variability, conflicts, and renegotiation of parent-child relationships. Children begin to distance from parents while needing support, affirmation and security. Minor consent inevitably harms this profound relationship in many ways, on many levels.
44. Minor consent allows people and systems in positions of authority (media, politicians, doctors, school nurses, and teachers) to collude with putting the child in a complicated, compromised, confusing position, either by:
· creating conflict by betraying parents by going against their wishes
· living with a secret from their parents, by going without parents’ knowledge, forcing them to live with a lie
· creating a loyalty conflict in cases where parents disagree
45. Minor consent renders children vulnerable to pressure from doctors, who are influenced by vaccine manufacturers with conflicts of interest which overplay claims of safety and underplay risks.
46. Minor consent generates conflicts and a burden of guilt that can plague them throughout life and permanently harm the parent-child relationship.
47. Minor consent forces children to bear witness to the undermining of parental authority by social authorities, which can lead to complicated emotions like shame and anger.
48. Children may witness the denigration and defamation of their parents who may be well-informed, protective and responsible. Vaccination may interfere with trust and respect for parents which is important for their development, self-esteem, trust, and well-being.
49. In cases without parental knowledge, the child will live in fear of the parents finding out.
50. In cases without parental knowledge, if the child has an adverse reaction - which is entirely possible - they will be conflicted about telling their parents.
51. If the child has an adverse reaction, parents won’t be able to identify the true cause and be may not get appropriate treatment, which could be life-threatening.
52. If the parents find out, they will justifiably feel betrayed by their child, the school, the doctor and all authorities for violating their rights. They may feel enraged and humiliated, a grave social offense.
53. It will be a huge betrayal, causing conflict, anger, and harm to their relationships with their child and the authorities.
54. If a child is permanently injured or dies, parents will have to bear the responsibility for damage caused by those who betrayed them.
55. Family therapy will likely be needed to address the harm done.
56. A child may make a decision at one age that they will regret later and suffer enduring guilt and shame in addition to potential physical harm.
57. It may poison an otherwise healthy adolescent development, including a healthy differentiation from the parents or a healthy adolescent rebellion.
58. It can alter family dynamics in a destructive way.
59. The emphasis on such drastic measures can stimulate irrational fears, preoccupations, hypochondria, and fears of harming others, anxiety, suicidal preoccupations.
60. If children and families are harmed psychologically and/or physically, if there are deaths and disabilities, who is liable? Parents bear responsibility for damage caused by those who betrayed them. Are those who harmed children behind parents’ backs responsible? Are the lawmakers responsible?
61. It is my expert psychological opinion that rolling out these experimental mRNA shots to children and young adults has zero benefit and likelihood of harm. It fails to meet the criteria of necessity, safety and efficacy.
62. If the authorities are truly interested in the health, vitality, functionality, and well-being of children, adults, families, schools and society, they should mandate testing for adequate Vitamin D levels, provide packets of immune-boosting supplements, as some countries do, and develop curricula for all ages on health and immunity. The best defense against a virus is a healthy immune system.
63. Children and adults should be screened for natural immunity and be recognized for contributing to herd immunity. This will reduce a quantity of fear. People with natural immunity are completely safe to be around and may be called upon, if needed, to assist with the vulnerable. In the US it is estimated that 50% have herd immunity. Many children who had asymptomatic Covid, because their innate immune systems efficiently took care of the virus, do not know that they have natural immunity.
64. Schools should be open. Children should not wear masks. Develop materials to process the trauma of the last 21 months. Bring in psychologists for in-service training for staff and group process for all. It is a time to heal.
65. There should be an educational campaign to reduce fear and to undo the psychological damage caused by exaggerated threats. People should be informed about the high success rates of early treatments and the protective nature of vitamin D, zinc, C, A, melatonin, etc. This will shift from a psychological state of induced helplessness to a sense of agency and mastery over one’s body.
Diane Perlman, PhD
Truly Informed Consent Checklist for Pfizer BioNTech Injections for Children
A “Vaccine” Injury Prevention Project, By Diane Perlman, PhD
“… we’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it.” – Professor Eric Rubin of Harvard University, testifying before FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), October 26, 2021, on myocarditis and deaths, before voting to approve.
Are you accurately informed? An hour of careful scrutiny can prevent a lifetime of regret.
Children are incapable of informed consent. Many parents defer to the CDC, despite incomplete safety studies, flimsy, falsified data, exclusion of subjects, whistleblower testimony, expert warnings, no long-term data and over 142,000 public comments urging committee members to vote “No" on approval.
What you don’t know can hurt your child. Do not delegate your responsibility to anyone. You owe it to your child to be fully informed about short and long-term safety before injecting them with mRNA, which has polyethylene glycol and undisclosed ingredients. There is no data on interactions with other vaccines. No party has any liability for adverse reactions, as occurred with 12 - 17-year-olds.
The Nuremberg Code, the most important human rights document on medical ethics states, “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. … the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should … be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. .. there should be made known to him … the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.”
Do not be manipulated by fear and false information. “Vaccines” do not prevent infection or transmission. Healthy children have preexisting, innate, immune effector cells. Their immune systems handle Covid better than adults, with zero risk of dying. Most have no or mild symptoms and achieve enduring, robust natural immunity against future variants, superior to “vaccine” immunity which wanes over time. Natural immunity contributes to herd immunity. The Amish reached herd immunity in 3 months without lockdowns, distancing or masks, as have other groups. Children do not transmit Covid to adults. mRNA shots can alter their immune systems and subject them continuing booster shots. “Mass vaccination campaigns in children will prevent them from contributing to herd immunity” and provoke “more infectious viral variants.” Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, DVM, PhD. Watch this most important, warning interview explaining science
Children with Covid rarely require treatment. If they do, effective protocols that have been censored, developed by independent, ethical doctors are on
and other places. They know how to treat Covid. Treating vaccine injuries is new and challenging. Boost everyone’s immunity with a healthy diet, sunlight, adequate Vitamin D levels, zinc, C, A, melatonin, etc. to reduce severity.
Risk/Benefit Analysis. Older people with co-morbidities have the highest risk from Covid. Healthy, younger people have virtually zero risk from Covid. Risks from the “vaccines” increase with decreasing age. The very few children who died with Covid, not from Covid, had serious illnesses like leukemia, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, and obesity. Healthy children have no benefit from vaccines which undermine their effective innate immunity, subject them to boosters and render them more vulnerable in the future.
Do not act under pressure or be controlled by fear. Not from authorities, peers or your children’s peers. Do your own research. Think for yourself. You will live with any consequences. Challenge the basis for making social life contingent on getting the shots. These are manipulative forms of coercion, though they seem plausible. The best defense against any virus is a strong, healthy immune system.
Any person who gives consent to a medical procedure for themselves or their dependents must be fully informed of ALL the known or potential adverse effects of the treatment. If they have not been FULLY INFORMED those responsible for obtaining consent are guilty of malpractice. (Gary Kohls, MD)
1. Yes__ No __ I agree to allow my child to receive the Pfizer BioNTech mRNA injection knowing that there is no reliable safety data and that they will be participating in a medical experiment, which requires fully informed consent according to the Nuremberg Code.
2. Yes__ No __ I am informed that mRNA injections are technically not “vaccines.” They are genetic interventions never used before on humans and based on insufficient animal studies. They wane over time, do not prevent infection or transmission, and will be followed by boosters. Impacts may be irreversible.
3. Yes__ No __ I am informed that there is no fully approved FDA Covid vaccine that is available in the US.
4. Yes__ No __ I am informed that the FDA and CDC approved of the Pfizer mRNA injections to children based on an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), even though there is no emergency for 5 - 11-year-olds.
5. Yes__ No __ I am informed that most children who get Covid have mild symptoms, if any, and acquire superior, robust and enduring natural immunity shown to persist for many years or a lifetime and is effective against variants. T-cell tests demonstrate natural immunity whether or not there are also antibodies.
6. Yes__ No __ I am informed that about 50% have natural immunity far superior to “vaccine” immunity, have no benefit from "vaccines “and a 30% higher risk of adverse reactions to the shots, including death.
7. Yes__ No __ I am informed that the Pfizer shots instruct the cells to manufacture spike proteins which circulate the body and lodge in the organs, in high concentrations in the endothelial cells, ovaries and testes, spleen, heart, and cross the blood-brain barrier.
8. Yes__ No __ I am informed that the adverse effects from mRNA “vaccines” may include anaphylactic shock, allergic reactions, blood clotting, micro-clotting and other bleeding disorders, thrombosis in the brain, other thrombotic events, myocarditis, pericarditis, heart damage, stroke, tinnitus, vertigo, and more.
9. Yes__ No __ I am informed that if one has adverse reactions after the first shot, they should not get the second under any circumstances, and that more severe reactions and deaths occur after the second shot.
10. Yes__ No __ I am informed that “vaccines” pose an elevated risk of myocarditis, highest in young males, causing permanent heart damage and death, including among healthy athletes. There is no data on myocarditis for ages 5 - 11. My child will be part of a medical experiment on myocarditis in this age group.
11. Yes__ No __ I am informed that some countries halted mRNA injections in children due to myocarditis.
12. Yes__ No __ I am informed that long-term effects in weeks, months, years or decades are unknown. They may include antibody dependent enhancement, autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, heart problems, thrombotic conditions, prion disease and an increase in chronic diseases and reproductive harms including infertility.
Basis for approval for Emergency Use Authorization
13. Yes__ No __ I am informed that the “safety” studies were conducted by Pfizer, who will profit from approval, and not by independent scientists, and that all data was controlled by Pfizer, including elimination of subjects who had adverse reactions to the first or second dose.
14. Yes__ No __ I am informed that many voting committee members have financial ties to Pfizer.
15. Yes__ No __ I am informed that Pfizer’s studies were rushed, methodologically flawed, conducted on very few subjects, and followed for a very short time, incapable of picking up signals for adverse reactions and Pfizer is being investigated for falsification of data, failure to investigate adverse reactions, and more.
16. Yes__ No __ I am informed that adverse reactions other than fever, chills, headaches, soreness and fatigue were not recorded and that subjects who had serious adverse reactions were eliminated from the study. Their reactions were often dismissed and misdiagnosed as psychological or coincidences.
17. Yes__ No __ I am informed that based on studies on 12 – 17-year-olds, it is a statistical certainty that there will be adverse reactions, injuries, disabilities, trauma and deaths among 5 – 11-year-olds.
18. Yes__ No __ I am informed that health economists estimate of the risk/benefit analysis of the Number Needed to Vaccinate (NNTV) concludes that “For every one child saved by the shot, another 117 would be killed by the shot.”
In testimony to politicians and in an interview, Kyle Warner, twenty-nine-year-old Kyle Warner, a professional mountain bike racer and national champion, described being injured after his second Pfizer shot, as many other athletes have been. Warner developed pericarditis (inflammation of the outer lining of the heart), the blood circulation disorder called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and reactive arthritis. He has not been able to ride a bike since.

· Why Kids’ Immune Systems Can Handle COVID, and How Vaccines Could Compromise Their Natural Immune Response by Paul Elias Alexander
Given the almost “zero” risk COVID poses to children, and based on the scientific evidence, epidemiologist and researcher Paul Elias Alexander, Ph.D. says we “are playing a dangerous game and are weakening formerly healthy robust immune systems.”
· 6 Studies Showing Why Children Don’t Need — and Shouldn’t Get — a COVID Vaccine By Paul Elias Alexander, Ph.D. We now have a major crisis as the race is on to vaccinate our 5- to 11-year-old children who bring no risk to the table, with a vaccine that has been shown to be sub-optimal and potentially harmful.
· Watch at least the first 3 world renowned presenters in this testimony to the NY Rabbinical Court who were diligent in investigating safety Here is the article They are not wrong.
So why aren’t we hearing about these stories from mainstream doctors?
On November 20, I got this from Jessica Rose, PhD, “Adverse events reported for 5-11 year olds occurring immediately”
“In this short timeframe, approximately 1,007,510 children less than 12 have been injected in the United States.¹ There are currently (as of November 19th, 2021) 2575 AE reports in VAERS for this age group of children and when a conservative under-reporting factor of 41 is factored in, this number becomes the more realistic estimate of 105,575 adverse event reports filed to VAERS in a time frame spanning approximately 2 weeks. Therefore, approximately 1 in 10 children in this age group have already reported an adverse event in the context of administration of the COVID-19 injectable biological products.
As of the latest VAERS update on November 19th, 2021, 82% of reports in VAERS in children ages 5-11 have been made immediately following injection. IMMEDIATELY. This means that there is literally no time difference between the onset of the AE and the injection administration: consider that it takes time to report an AE to VAERS and to make it into the database. These reports include 291 different adverse event typesincluding loss of consciousness (the 9th most reported AE), seizures, herpes outbreaks, blindness, cyanosis and death, to name a few. In CHIDLREN.”
On the same day, Steve Kirsch wrote in his newsletter, We are killing our kids. Does anyone care?
Kids that would have never died from COVID are now dying after getting the vaccine. Will it ever end?
Steve KirschNov 20
“Kids that would have never died from COVID are now dying after getting the vaccine. Will it ever end? … The vaccines rolled out for these kids starting on November 7. It is now just 12 days later and we are now killing perfectly healthy kids.”
I just got this text:
That’s hardly an isolated incident.
First time in her 14-year career: seeing an 8 year old with myocarditis
This is from Steve Kirsch’s 3 minute presentation during the public comment period at VRBPAC meeting on October 26. It is at minute 4:40
[2] All-cause mortality skyrockets in 2021 Data from Europe and the U.S. show increased all-cause mortality in everyone under age 65 after the introduction of coronavirus shots
Thanks for your thoughtful comment. Yes, Jessica Rose is a gift. I am finding wonderful people on Substack and around. I like her interview with Brian Hooker on CHD TV. The "Put on your mask" song in the article is truly creepy. I hope to cross paths in person some day.
Diane, I am about to turn 60 this xmas. I was raised in a cult. I left it when I was 17 and managed to get away. I’ve spent my younger life healing and most of my older years believing that I was healed.
What is happening in the world now terrifies me. What I am seeing is exactly what I fought to be free of. What I am experiencing, even amongst the aware, is a real lack of understanding, of comprehension, of how the cult mind works. Of how the mass mind is vulnerable and not believing in the rhetoric does does spare one or insulate one from the slow drip-drip indoctrination via authoritarian pressures and the use of pressure via the peer system.
Coming from my view, which I know is very extreme compared to the average experience, what you’ve written is perfect. I disagree heartily with shortening it. This is not a dissertation for a class of sane people. And probably some of how I respond to your piece is age related meaning, in my day we did a lot of heavy reading and I have never learned to be succinct. That said, This is world war three and if we don’t go in with Everything, then everything will be denied us. When dealing with a cult mind normal approaches don’t work.
Who better then you to know that?
I apologize for spelling errors, and what have you. I don’t normally speak up much but what you have written, what you are doing, touches me so deeply that I had to come out and cheer you on. I salute you. What is happening, as I said, in this world today has made me honour my younger self who found the courage to go it alone. She must have had courage because I know so much more and what I see coming leaves me absolutely shaken.
I honour the strength and truth of your heart Diane.