Informed Collusion: Enabling Mass Injections of Children
By Diane Perlman, PhD
Note: in honor of Human Rights Day, December 10 I am offering a special discount on my book, Living Rights: Making Human Rights Come Alive Activity Book and Journal until December 16.
School Pop-Up “Vaccination” Clinics
Even before CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Pfizer shots for little kids, millions of vials were on their way. Thousands of pop-up “Vaccination” clinics and celebratory “VACCINE PARTY POP-UPS” were planned at schools and community centers all over the US.
Note: I am not disparaging any well-meaning staff members of schools, community centers or school districts mentioned in this article. This is a warning and wake-up call.
Like other faith and secular communities, the Washington, DC, Edlavitch Jewish Community Center, the JCC Hosted a Party — And 400 Kids Got Vaccinated on November 7 and 28. Nurturing adults lovingly provided “DJ, Hula-Hoop contests, photobooth, sweet treats, food trucks and a whole lot of hoopla. After all, this was bound to be quite the momentous event, one we’ve been waiting on for what feels like forever.”

“A team of five pharmacists and nurses vaccinated 55 children per hour. And close to 40 volunteers were at our side throughout the day to ensure that everything went smoothly: presenting cake pops to each newly vaccinated child, hula-hooping to distract the ones who needed something else to focus on before the needle went in their arms, passing out bubble-wands and popcorn — each extra touch that made this a day to remember. “
Children are not capable of informed consent
Parents are capable, but submit to the authority of the CDC and pop-up clinic hosts. Clinic hosts implicitly give their blessing to this process. They are not truly informed as required by the Nuremberg Code.
Be truly informed. This can be printed on 2 sides and filled out
Do schools, community centers, and government agencies that host pop-up Pfizer mRNA clinics that enable mass injections of children bear any responsibility to families for any adverse events, injuries, disabilities and deaths, now or in the future?
These predatory clinics, run by partnerships with pharmacies, exploit manipulated emotions and belief systems of responsible adults who have spent 20 months in terror, eagerly awaiting this moment of celebration, relief and hope. Naïve staff members unwittingly enable mass injections of children. With no chance of dying from Covid they have no benefit and only risk from Pfizer mRNA shots.
Here is an email notice a private school in PA sent to parents
We are pleased to confirm that our student Pfizer vaccine clinics are confirmed for the following dates:
1st vaccination:
Thursday, November 18, 12:00 - 3:00 PM –School Gym
2nd vaccination:
Thursday, December 8, 12:00 - 3:00 PM –School Gym
By Monday, November 15, parents will receive an online consent form and registration link to select a specific time slot. As a reminder, a parent or guardian must be present for each vaccination.
This is for Washington, DC
Children 5 to 11 years old are now eligible to get vaccinated. The vaccine is safe and lowers the chance of children getting and spreading COVID-19. The vaccine is 90% effective at preventing symptoms of COVID-19
They Trust “the Science”
Dava Schub, inHosted a Party — And 400 Kids Got Vaccinated describes, “So, while the scientists ran their trials, and panels reviewed their findings, we found a partner in Safeway Pharmacy that took the leap of faith with us and we locked onto the dates of November 7 and November 28 for our COVID vaccination pop-up parties.”
Pop-up hosts trust the CDC with vested interests, vaccine patents, and hand-picked, panelists with financial ties to Pfizer. None have actually treated patients with Covid and have rejected the successful protocols and suppressed research of those who do, like the Frontline Covid-19 Critical are Coalition, FLCCC, Dr. Peter McCullough and others around the country.
Hosts are seduced by incessant, unified monolithic pharma-funded US media’s $10 billion funded messaging campaign, including public radio and TV’s aura of legitimacy, funded by the Gates Foundation and Johnson & Johnson.
Little Do They Know
Decent, nurturing, adults who organized and celebrated mass Pfizer mRNA injections into little ones truly believe that they are benefitting families, schools, society, and human civilization.
They do not know that
· healthy children have zero chance of dying from Covid, no benefit and only risks from the shots
· these shots do not prevent infection or transmission
· these shots impair their young bodies’ brilliantly functioning innate immune systems
· “safety studies” for ages 5 – 11, used only 2000 healthy children followed for 2 months or less, thereby incapable of detecting problems months or years later
· the few in the placebo group who got Covid had mild or no symptoms and achieved enduring, robust, superior natural immunity
· after the study children the placebo group were injected making long-term group comparisons impossible – which is anti-science.
· long term effects, including autoimmune disease, infertility and more are unknown.
· children who easily recover from Covid contribute to herd immunity, while mRNA shots make herd immunity impossible and require endless boosters.
· high rates of myocarditis are occurring in those 12 – 17 and older, especially males.
· studies in many countries concluded that there were no school outbreaks, no transmission from children to adults or other children, and recovered children provide herd immunity and a buffer.
· doctors are seeing conditions in children that they have never seen before
· Pfizer is developing new anticoagulant drugs for children for conditions never seen before
· several Nordic and European countries halted Covid shots for young people
· Taiwan halted the second dose of Pfizer for 12 - 17 due to concerns about myocarditis.
Those colluding with Pfizer, enabling unnecessary mass experimental injections likely did not
· watch the FDA and CDC meetings discussing myocarditis. I did.
· hear Dr. Eric Rubin say “… we’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it.” – Professor Eric Rubin of Harvard University, NEJM, Editor, testifying before FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), October 26, 2021, on myocarditis and deaths, before voting to approve.
· hear panelists express doubts and worries about safety before they voted “Yes.”
· listen to science-backed public comments made by Steve Kirsch, Jessica Rose, families of the injured, and other credible witnesses
· read any of the over 143,000 public comments submitted begging the panelists to vote “No” for EUA
Many have been led to believe incorrectly that these injections are approved by the government. Many of them are not aware that Pfizer has no liability for harm.
They do not know that there is zero safety data for ages 5 – 11. They don’t know about new VAERS reports of adverse reactions, injuries, disabilities and deaths.
They do not know that that they are supplying little bodies for a medical experiment that some, like Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko refer to as “child sacrifice.”
Duty to Warn - Who is Responsible for the Children’s Safety?
Children cannot protect themselves from unnecessary, dangerous Pfizer shots that may irreversibly alter their lives in ways yet unknown.
Since adults are not accurately informed, I created a “truly” and Fully Informed Consent on Behalf of Children, hoping to raise the consciousness of some parents.
Realizing that many trusting parents are unreachable, I appealed to some school nurses, principals and committees. I suggested they advise parents and form an independent committee. I naively imagined that they might be responsive to independent scientific information. See Dear School Nurse, Covid Shots for Tots are Erring on the Side of Danger. Nothing has worked. They are so certain.
It occurred to me that if school staff were informed, and if they did not inform the parents and if a child was harmed and if the parents found out that they were not told, that would be a serious problem.
The next step might be a notice of liability, informing the school that since they are forewarned they are responsible for any harm.
A Religious Experience
Meanwhile, decent, well-meaning people are having numinous, transcendent, spiritual experiences. This is completely understandable, yet excruciating to those of us bearing witness who know the hidden truth.
At the DCJCC, it “was a personal and a communal “Shehecheyanu moment” (a Jewish prayer said when you are grateful to be alive to reach a special moment.) Rabbis wrote prayers, as I imagine did clergy of all religions.
Here are some tweets from JCC Hosted a Party
· This is what a community looks like. Being there for and with each other in moments of pain and in moments of celebration. This day seemed to adequately capture both the pain of the last 20 months and even more so, all of the joy that lies ahead.
· My 6-year-old was brave and we are doing our part to stop the spread!
· Thank YOU DCJCC for organizing a second terrific vaccine pop-up party for dose #2! The event was incredibly well-run, & it was so wonderful to see so many kiddos happily getting their shots.
· DC Councilmember Brooke Pinto tweeted, “Thank you DCJCC for hosting the best cake pop dance party AND getting 400 kids BOTH doses of their vaccines in the last few weeks. Congrats to all of the families who just got a huge sigh of relief for their second dose.
“The children shared with us a long list of why this shot means so much to them:
· “Now I can hug my grandparents without worrying that I will get them sick”
· “Having friends over to my house for playdates…actually INSIDE!”
· “sleepovers!!!!!!!!!”
· “Getting on an airplane to see my not-so-new baby cousin in California”
· “Being able to play winter sports inside”
· “Dreaming of school without masks (someday!)”
Note: 12/8 important comment from Diana about the coerciveness of this. It will be painful, humiliating and isolating to be excluded from sleepovers and other events and tempt young people to get jabbed without parental consent - so tragic for enlightened parents trying to protect their children.
from Diana “One effect of these "parties" is further "weirding" those who don't comply. The cake pops, the music, the hula hoops-- all normalize something that is, as all the points you've made here suggest, profoundly disturbing. Maybe, as you say generously, this is all done out out of a sense of goodwill, but it certainly is coercive, both to children and to parents who are, ultimately, human beings desiring to fit into their culture and do what seems to be the right thing.”
Some Recommendations –
· Advise parents to be responsible for informed consent on behalf of their children and not to delegate to any other party
· Distribute Truly Informed Consent Checklists to families
· Screen children for natural immunity, including T-Cell tests as they may not have antibodies. About 50% may have natural immunity and are at higher risk of harm.
· Screen children for allergies, genetic conditions and other vulnerabilities who may be at higher risk. Shots were only tested on healthy children.
· Educate all, parents, teachers and children about the immune system. Develop curricula for all ages
· Teach children about health, nutrition and mastery over their bodies
· Mandate tests of vitamin D levels. Hold pop-up clinics to get everyone tested for vitamin D levels –strongly associated with disease mildness and survival
· Provide vitamin packets of prophylactic supplements like quercetin, zinc, C, A, melatonin, etc. as they do in some countries
· Provide information on early treatment if anyone gets Covid and provide easy access to effective repurposed drugs like Ivermectin, Fluvoxamine, Budesonide, and natural remedies
School or Community Nuremberg Human Rights Commission
Some schools’ Medical Advisory Committees are rubber stamps for the CDC and Pfizer.
Schools should also create another ethical, independent, multidisciplinary Nuremberg Human Rights Commission to determine whether or not their children are being used in a medical experiment without the knowledge of their families. It should include parents, relatives, staff and people in social sciences, ethics, and fields related to functional, naturopathic and regenerative health and immune boosting.
Be truly informed. This can be printed on 2 sides and filled out
New Data on Children
Tragically, as predicted, new data is emerging on injuries and deaths for children 5 – 11. This is just the beginning and will continue for decades.
On November 20, Jessica Rose wrote , “Adverse events reported for 5-11 year olds occurring immediately” “In this short timeframe, approximately 1,007,510 children less than 12 have been injected in the United States.¹ There are currently (as of November 19th, 2021) 2575 AE reports in VAERS for this age group of children and when a conservative under-reporting factor of 41 is factored in, this number becomes the more realistic estimate of 105,575 adverse event reports filed to VAERS in a time frame spanning approximately 2 weeks. Therefore, approximately 1 in 10 children in this age group have already reported an adverse event in the context of administration of the COVID-19 injectable biological products.
As of the latest VAERS update on November 19th, 2021, 82% of reports in VAERS in children ages 5-11 have been made immediately following injection. IMMEDIATELY. This means that there is literally no time difference between the onset of the AE and the injection administration: consider that it takes time to report an AE to VAERS and to make it into the database. These reports include 291 different adverse event typesincluding loss of consciousness (the 9th most reported AE), seizures, herpes outbreaks, blindness, cyanosis and death, to name a few. In CHIDLREN.”
Steve Kirsch wrote We are killing our kids. Does anyone care? Nov 20
“Kids that would have never died from COVID are now dying after getting the vaccine. Will it ever end? … The vaccines rolled out for these kids starting on November 7. It is now just 12 days later and we are now killing perfectly healthy kids.”
I just got this text: That’s hardly an isolated incident.
These deaths simply are never ever going to reported in the NY Times or on CNN. So you’re never going to hear about them except from alternate media sources.
First time in her 14-year career: seeing an 8 year old with myocarditis
Jessica Rose published excerpts from Excerpts from Geert Vanden Bossche's interview, DVM, PhD) senior world authority on viruses, & translational medicine.
Never mass vaccinate a population with a non-sterilizing product across all age groups during a pandemic.
Children have very potent innate immune systems.
Since COVID-19 is not a childhood disease like measles (a highly virulent and non-mutable ssRNA virus2), for example, it is not only needless to inject children with COVID-19 injectable products, but dangerous. For two reasons.
#1. Side effects. There is no long term safety data for children. Adverse event counts in the context of these are off-the-charts in adults. What will the effects be in children?
#2. Potential for true destruction of herd immunity3.
Children have exceptionally potent immune systems enabling asymptomatic infection as opposed to symptomatic disease. The natural antibodies of the innate branch of the immune system are present from birth - they are not derived from antigen experience but rather pre-primed and inherent to the existence of all vertebrates.4 B cells that generate innate antibodies are called B1 cells5 and these stand in contrast to B cells that generate antigen6-specific antibodies. In the former case, the antibodies are non-specific (they can bind many antigenic particles), fleeting and plentiful - perfect for destroying highly mutable viral intruders like the influenza and SARS viruses! In the latter case, the antibodies are specific (they bind specific antigenic epitopes7 with high affinity), long-lasting and wax and wane in the presence of their specific intruder.
Since the SARS-nCoV-2 virus is highly mutable (it changes it’s coat easily), it is going to be nearly impossible to design an effective vaccine against it. In my opinion, it would be smarter to allow the power of the innate immune system to do its job to contain virions by preventing the infection of cells via innate antibodies and in the case of cell infection, via Natural Killer cells. Our children are the best demonstration of the effectiveness of this strategy.
We have already seen the emergence of the Delta variant - which is highly transmissible, but not extraordinarily virulent. We have been lucky - so far. If governments/’leaders’ continue to incite injection of non-vulnerable populations, such as our children (and recovered individuals), then we will destroy our chance to ever reach true global herd immunity. Children are acting as buffers - protectors, if you will - they ‘deal’ with the virus effectively to produce an environment of sturdy protection for the entire population. If this dynamic is disturbed, the outcome will be disastrous. Maybe not right away, but eventually.
The people making the decisions for all of us appear to KNOW NOTHING ABOUT EVOLUTIONARY DYNAMICS OF PANDEMICS. They need to. Omega is on the horizon.
Why Kids’ Immune Systems Can Handle COVID, and How Vaccines Could Compromise Their Natural Immune Response by Paul Elias Alexander.
Given the almost “zero” risk COVID poses to children, and based on the scientific evidence, epidemiologist and researcher Paul Elias Alexander, Ph.D. says we “are playing a dangerous game and are weakening formerly healthy robust immune systems.
6 Studies Showing Why Children Don’t Need — and Shouldn’t Get — a COVID Vaccine By Paul Elias Alexander, Ph.D.
We now have a major crisis as the race is on to vaccinate our 5- to 11-year-old children who bring no risk to the table, with a vaccine that has been shown to be sub-optimal and potentially harmful.
Truly Informed Consent Checklist for Pfizer BioNTech Injections for Children
A “Vaccine” Injury Prevention Project, By Diane Perlman, PhD
“… we’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it.” – Professor Eric Rubin of Harvard University, testifying before FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), October 26, 2021, on myocarditis and deaths, before voting to approve.
Are you accurately informed? An hour of careful scrutiny can prevent a lifetime of regret.
Children are incapable of informed consent. Many parents defer to the CDC, despite incomplete safety studies, flimsy, falsified data, exclusion of subjects, whistleblower testimony, expert warnings, no long-term data and over 142,000 public comments urging committee members to vote “No" on approval.
What you don’t know can hurt your child. Do not delegate your responsibility to anyone. You owe it to your child to be fully informed about short and long-term safety before injecting them with mRNA, which has polyethylene glycol and undisclosed ingredients. There is no data on interactions with other vaccines. No party has any liability for adverse reactions, as occurred with 12 - 17-year-olds.
The Nuremberg Code, the most important human rights document on medical ethics states, “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. … the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should … be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. .. there should be made known to him … the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.”
Do not be manipulated by fear and false information. “Vaccines” do not prevent infection or transmission. Healthy children have preexisting, innate, immune effector cells. Their immune systems handle Covid better than adults, with zero risk of dying. Most have no or mild symptoms and achieve enduring, robust natural immunity against future variants, superior to “vaccine” immunity which wanes over time. Natural immunity contributes to herd immunity. The Amish reached herd immunity in 3 months without lockdowns, distancing or masks, as have other groups. Children do not transmit Covid to adults. mRNA shots can alter their immune systems and subject them continuing booster shots. “Mass vaccination campaigns in children will prevent them from contributing to herd immunity” and provoke “more infectious viral variants.” Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, DVM, PhD. Watch this most important, warning interview explaining science
Children with Covid rarely require treatment. If they do, effective protocols that have been censored, developed by independent, ethical doctors are on
and other places. They know how to treat Covid. Treating vaccine injuries is new and challenging. Boost everyone’s immunity with a healthy diet, sunlight, adequate Vitamin D levels, zinc, C, A, melatonin, etc. to reduce severity.
Risk/Benefit Analysis. Older people with co-morbidities have the highest risk from Covid. Healthy, younger people have virtually zero risk from Covid. Risks from the “vaccines” increase with decreasing age. The very few children who died with Covid, not from Covid, had serious illnesses like leukemia, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, and obesity. Healthy children have no benefit from vaccines which undermine their effective innate immunity, subject them to boosters and render them more vulnerable in the future.
Do not act under pressure or be controlled by fear. Not from authorities, peers or your children’s peers. Do your own research. Think for yourself. You will live with any consequences. Challenge the basis for making social life contingent on getting the shots. These are manipulative forms of coercion, though they seem plausible. The best defense against any virus is a strong, healthy immune system.
Any person who gives consent to a medical procedure for themselves or their dependents must be fully informed of ALL the known or potential adverse effects of the treatment. If they have not been FULLY INFORMED those responsible for obtaining consent are guilty of malpractice. (Gary Kohls, MD)
1. Yes__ No __ I agree to allow my child to receive the Pfizer BioNTech mRNA injection knowing that there is no reliable safety data and that they will be participating in a medical experiment, which requires fully informed consent according to the Nuremberg Code.
2. Yes__ No __ I am informed that mRNA injections are technically not “vaccines.” They are genetic interventions never used before on humans and based on insufficient animal studies. They wane over time, do not prevent infection or transmission, and will be followed by boosters. Impacts may be irreversible.
3. Yes__ No __ I am informed that there is no fully approved FDA Covid vaccine that is available in the US.
4. Yes__ No __ I am informed that the FDA and CDC approved of the Pfizer mRNA injections to children based on an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), even though there is no emergency for 5 - 11-year-olds.
5. Yes__ No __ I am informed that most children who get Covid have mild symptoms, if any, and acquire superior, robust and enduring natural immunity shown to persist for many years or a lifetime and is effective against variants. T-cell tests demonstrate natural immunity whether or not there are also antibodies.
6. Yes__ No __ I am informed that about 50% have natural immunity far superior to “vaccine” immunity, have no benefit from "vaccines “and a 30% higher risk of adverse reactions to the shots, including death.
7. Yes__ No __ I am informed that the Pfizer shots instruct the cells to manufacture spike proteins which circulate the body and lodge in the organs, in high concentrations in the endothelial cells, ovaries and testes, spleen, heart, and cross the blood-brain barrier.
8. Yes__ No __ I am informed that the adverse effects from mRNA “vaccines” may include anaphylactic shock, allergic reactions, blood clotting, micro-clotting and other bleeding disorders, thrombosis in the brain, other thrombotic events, myocarditis, pericarditis, heart damage, stroke, tinnitus, vertigo, and more.
9. Yes__ No __ I am informed that if one has adverse reactions after the first shot, they should not get the second under any circumstances, and that more severe reactions and deaths occur after the second shot.
10. Yes__ No __ I am informed that “vaccines” pose an elevated risk of myocarditis, highest in young males, causing permanent heart damage and death, including among healthy athletes. There is no data on myocarditis for ages 5 - 11. My child will be part of a medical experiment on myocarditis in this age group.
11. Yes__ No __ I am informed that some countries halted mRNA injections in children due to myocarditis.
12. Yes__ No __ I am informed that long-term effects in weeks, months, years or decades are unknown. They may include antibody dependent enhancement, autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, heart problems, thrombotic conditions, prion disease and an increase in chronic diseases and reproductive harms including infertility.
Basis for approval for Emergency Use Authorization
13. Yes__ No __ I am informed that the “safety” studies were conducted by Pfizer, who will profit from approval, and not by independent scientists, and that all data was controlled by Pfizer, including elimination of subjects who had adverse reactions to the first or second dose.
14. Yes__ No __ I am informed that many voting committee members have financial ties to Pfizer.
15. Yes__ No __ I am informed that Pfizer’s studies were rushed, methodologically flawed, conducted on very few subjects, and followed for a very short time, incapable of picking up signals for adverse reactions and Pfizer is being investigated for falsification of data, failure to investigate adverse reactions, and more.
16. Yes__ No __ I am informed that adverse reactions other than fever, chills, headaches, soreness and fatigue were not recorded and that subjects who had serious adverse reactions were eliminated from the study. Their reactions were often dismissed and misdiagnosed as psychological or coincidences.
17. Yes__ No __ I am informed that based on studies on 12 – 17-year-olds, it is a statistical certainty that there will be adverse reactions, injuries, disabilities, trauma and deaths among 5 – 11-year-olds.
18. Yes__ No __ I am informed that health economists estimate of the risk/benefit analysis of the Number Needed to Vaccinate (NNTV) concludes that “For every one child saved by the shot, another 117 would be killed by the shot.”
I am becoming a fan of Celia Farber, thanks