Before describing the Icarus moment, I wish to attract your attention to a timely prime example of Icarus – the WHO, getting awfully close to the sun, which is a moment we must prepare for.
WHO Pandemic Treaty Amendment for World Domination
Among my new friends forging a path through Covidomination is Jim Roguski. He is valiantly taking on WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Amendments. They plan to sneakily clinch their long-planned strategy for total control at the World Health Assembly in Geneva, May 22 – 4.
Check out Jim’s interview here on the The David Knight Show RoundTableReport and his comprehensively researched Substack,
“It was planned. James Roguski, James poured through thousands of pages of public documents and hiding in plain sight is a plan to give dictatorial powers to the WHO, slipped into the federal registry the very last day of his (Obama’s) presidency, now ready to be detonated by WHO assuming massive new powers.”
If you can interview Jim, offer a platform, spread the word or help in any way, please reach out, 310-619-3055.
The Greek Myth of Icarus
The myth of Icarus is about punishing mortals for trying to cross the line from man to God. The myth (5:09) includes analogies with transhumanism, screwing with animals, entrapment and hubris.
Here is a beautiful performance of Icarus Music by Paul Winter Consort.
Historical Background of Evolving Domination
Long preparation for domination has set the stage for this moment. A gripping, brilliant, iaccount of historical background is on Day 2 HISTORICAL AND GEOPOLITICAL BACKDROP Feb/12/2022. Here is the full set of Grand Jury testimonies.
Some actual conspiracies include
* the Rockefellers’ takeover the medical system and medical education, disparaging natural medicine as quackery
* hidden forces described in C. Wright Mills' The Power Elite
* Eisenhower’s farewell address warning about the “Military Industrial Complex” which Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst and (VIPS, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity) now calls it MICIMATT, Military Industrial Congressional Intelligence Academia and Think Tank Complex in the US.
* Billions spent on PsyOps propaganda and grabbing ownership and control of most media, leading up to Event 201 and the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset Agenda and beyond.
RIght before publishing this piece, I received this from Robert Malone, a perfect description of WEF’s role in this - a must read companion to this article.
Davos Man, his World Economic Forum, and his Servants Who are the ones trained to serve the self-appointed globalist overlords?
‘“All for ourselves and nothing for other people” seems in every age of the world to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind.’ Adam Smith. Chapter IV, p. 448. - The Wealth of Nations (1776) - Book II
“What we are very proud of, is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our WEF Young Global Leaders. (YGL)” Klaus Schwab (2017)
The Impending Icarus Moment/Tipping Point
Some of us are wising up to the shenanigans of global organizations, billionaires, oligarchs, UN agencies and other forces of darkness, called by various names, such as “Mr. Global” by Catherine Austin Fitts.
As the self-serving, fabricated Covid narrative crumbles, we see players like Gates, Fauci, the FDA, CDC, NIAID, WHO, etc., acting as gods. As they fly closer to the sun, we may reach an “Icarus moment” when the wax on their artificially constructed wings will melt, tripping off their rapid descent.
It is up to us to simultaneously bring on that moment while preparing for it. If we don’t prepare, we could blow it. I anticipate a tipping point, a “harmonic convergence” as more people awaken to the facts of
* megalomaniacal, globalist forces of darkness (FODs) titrating towards increasing godlike powers to dominate humanity
* a critical mass of truth coming out, including spikeshot injuries, deaths, lack of efficacy, lies,
* whistleblower testimony, exposure of fraud and corruption
* winning lawsuits against them
* demystification, de-hypnosis of mass hypnosis
* thoughtful support for the manipulated public’s ability to accept painful truths, awareness of betrayal, shock, horror, anger, and grief
Becoming as Gods
Here are some examples. Please add more in the comments. This reminds me of the ten plagues – except Pharoah is doing this to us. May each plague wake up more people.
* Perverting Nature, Lab origins of SARS, chimera, crossing the boundaries of nature, mixing animal elements, making “humanized mice,” increasing transmissibility and lethality
* Omniscience – total electronic surveillance of every detail of people’s lives, locations, movements, habits, purchases, relationships, attitudes, biometrics
* Omnipotence Over Collective - lockstep coordination among all countries, contriving PCR data to falsely declare pandemic, fear-induced compliance with harmful policies, mandates, lockdowns, control over movement and travel, destruction of entire social fabric, destroying business, disrupting education and social development
* Body Control, Mass Biological Penetration, -Sneaking mRNA into cells with lipid nanoparticles turning the body into a spike protein manufacturing system, altering biology
* Mind Control through media, psychological manipulation, mass hypnosis
* Social Control – use of trickery, enticement, lies, social pressure, threats, punishments, shunning coercion and all techniques attempt to infiltrate the lives of every non globalist on the planet
* Individual Control and capture, seduction to agree to convenient “vaccine passports” “digital wallets” enabling access to personal information
* Information Control with massive censorship
* Child Sacrifice, genetically altering little ones with no risk of Covid, only harm
* Financial Control, like China’s social credit system, already implemented by Pierre Trudeau’s in Canada, seizing assets of truckers, potential to control movement and purchasing ability of everyone
* Food Control, including chemical contamination of terrain, farmland grabs, killing millions of chickens, patenting plants, seeds, Frankenfoods while undermining natural and organic produce
* Murderous hospital policies
* Electromagnetic fields Inescapable control of environment, 5G dangerous cell towers
In sum, destroying the basis of natural life that has evolved for billions of years and artificially recreating the world in their image.
Excerpt from Malone’s Davos Man
“Why should you care?” The WEF is the organization which has masterminded the globally harmonized planning, development and implementation of the lockdowns, mandates, authoritarian vaccine campaigns, suppression of early treatment options, global targeting of dissenting physicians, censorship, propaganda, information and thought control programs which we have all experienced since late 2019. This is the organizational structure used by the ones who have sought to control and manage the world to advance the economic and political interests of their members through the ongoing “Great Reset” (as named and described by their chairman Klaus Schwab) by exploiting and exacerbating the social and economic disruption which they have artificially and intentionally crafted since SARS-CoV-19 began spreading across the world.
Our Responsibility to Accelerate and Prepare
We cannot merely passively await for the self-destruction of these sadistic, megalomaniacal, pathologically greedy, predatory forces of darkness (FODs). We must both prepare for the “the Icarus moment” and bring it on.
The forces of light (FOLs) include many thoughtful, intelligent, devoted, creative, committed people working day and night to bring out the truth and to help people.
However, we are mostly random, uncoordinated, not organized. Our methods don’t come close to those of the FODs who submit to the dominating power, act in lockstep, use the prescribed fear-mongering propaganda, PsyOps, plausible misrepresentations of reality that appear truthy. They readily use the same language, follow the same scripts and protocols. They spend billions on language, messaging, framing, tactics and strategies.
We are bringing knives and a microscope to a nuclear war.
I will change the oft quoted The Second Coming by W. B. Yeats from
“The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.”
The best lack all strategic coordination, centralized organization, unified language and action, while the worst
Are full of coherently regimented, disciplined, centralized, systematic, organized, ordered, coordinated in lockstep domination and control
How do we go to a nuclear war? Not by becoming them, but by detonating them by transcending and superseding their methods. We can at least organize, collaborate, and coordinate our messaging. We can create a central clearing house with nodes and cabinets and systems to avoid wasteful duplication of inventing lots of wheels. We can efficiently connect and coordinate best practices and be far more strategic.
Team humanity, as some call us, are doing a lot of good, using much brilliance and creativity, but our efforts may fall short.
They act in lockstep. To rise to the challenge, it would help if we could act more in unison, our answer to lockstep.
Preparing for Fallout
As their wings begin to melt, let’s prepare for the social fallout.
While many feel critical, hurt, and hostile towards those who have been seduced by 24/7 propaganda and who have turned against us, it behooves us muster up empathy for their position.
They will need to be weaned off the old narrative in various ways, according to their psychology, their support system, their level of trauma and cognitive dissonance in accepting harm done in vain. Most important, let’s help with the transition to a new, compelling, appealing, truthful narrative that makes sense, promises healing and a way to live with what happened that makes good on our suffering, using it to make a better future.
Few may gracefully accept the fact that they have been deceived, harmed and betrayed. Many may be psychologically incapable of accepting that the authorities they looked up to have lied to them and caused some devastating harm. Let’s not make it harder for them.
Some may struggle between avoidance, denial or fear and dread of having been injected. I certainly would. I tell some that many injuries are associated with specific bad batches/lots and they probably got a better batch, so they may not have to worry.
For many there is hope in new discoveries of reversing injuries and long haul. It is imperative to educate about detoxification, immune boosting, nutrition and and supplementation to reverse impact from the shots. This should be a major project with coordination and actions in unison of best healing practices.
We will also need coordination on massive educational intervention for remediation for those set back by lockdowns. Let’s not feed the assumption that they are irreparably harmed, although they lost critical time. Let’s repair.
There should also be support to restart businesses that have been destroyed, paid for by those who profited from their destruction, and a variety of coordinated repair strategies as we redesign and create a healthy society.
Getting Close to the Sun
Every day they get closer. There are signs that they are losing it as we learning more about them. Let’s look for signs of their wings melting and their impending fall into the sea.
Every connection we make, every conference, rally, analysis of VAERS data, protocol, podcast and class we take, newly awakened people, article we write, friends we make helps.
Still, many we know are still drinking Kool Aid and believe that we are drinking Kool Aid. We think they are mass hypnotized and they believe that we are. An essential body of work remains.
A Grand Strategy
The FODs are on their path to self-destruction. They can no longer hide the wheels coming off their bus. It seems they know it, so are flying faster towards the sun as with the WHO Pandemic Treaty Amendments which we have only weeks to challenge.
This critical moment in history holds unprecedented potential to act on the cumulative knowledge and wisdom that our heroes are digging up and disseminating.
As far as I can tell, we don’t have a Grand Strategy.
Brilliant people are working on various projects. I feel alone in thinking we need a more coordinated, organized grand strategy to most efficiently make a quantum leap to the healthy society we wish to create. Let me know in comments if you agree and/or have skills or resources. The elements are there.
Upon this gifted age in its dark hour,
Falls from the sky a meteoric shower
Of facts ... they lie unquestioned, uncombined.
Wisdom enough to leech us of our ill
Is daily spun; but there exists no loom
To weave it into fabric. Edna St. Vincent Millay
Thanks Diane. The Icarus meme is certainly pertinent to our times. When the USSR fell apart the people knew what they knew their NO but not their YES, hence the hard landing into much stress and poverty. Yes, we need a plan as to where to land. Having clarity on the way forward will help us know how to strategize. Many say the US will not only lose its hegemon status (already lost perhaps) but will also fall apart as a nation state. (I disagree with Phil Davis who posted that he thought it would be along the Mason Dixon line, more like bioregions.) I also appreciate all the links you put into this. Lovely music certainly helps sooth frayed nerves.
Great post. According to Armstrong's model we will see a drastic change by 2032. When the west losses its hegemony and passes as a great power. Mainly this applies to financial capital as it move to the east or Asia particularly China. I know too many this may sound crazy, but it was crazy to think the UK would pass, an Empire where the sun never set, and lost its status as a Capital superpower to the updater America.. it will also mark a time where the US will officially split once and for all. It will split along it's traditional Mansion Dixon line. States that weren't yet firmed will decide what side they want, but it will happen.