We should have never gotten into the UN to start with. I'm sure as a country we can decide what to support and what not to support all on our own. We do not need them to tell us what to do, while breaking our laws on our land, and taking our money and space that could be used more productively for our country's benefit. We need out of the UN, WEF, WTO, and especially the WHO.

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Diane - What a fantastic tour de force of your experiences of the NPT conference at the UN. All the photos give a real sense of what it is like to be at the UN, which I strongly agree is a complex organization that we should support in all positive endeavors. You showed one photo of Financing for Peace discussions in the Trusteeship Council room. Surely this must bring to awareness that as long as we are paying for war via the tax system that is what we will get. Since most wars are over land and natural resource control, it has for a long time been my view that we should remove taxes from labor and instead collect the commons rent of land and natural resources local to global. This enables us to share the world.

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