"Left" used to mean something that I could feel good about. I was Left because I didn't want to wage wars to protect Capital. I was Left because in the struggle between workers and business, I was on the side of workers. I was Left because it meant freedom of speech and freedom from arbitrary rules made by self-righteous busybodies.

The words "Left" and "Liberal" have been stolen from us. Now that Kamala Harris is denounced by Trumpsters as a "communist" while she has the enthusiastic support of Dick Cheney -- what can it possibly mean to be "Left" today?

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Even when you felt good about being left, it still pit you against people who identify as right. Now that is has become meaningless, many don't notice the changes and go on as before. That is why I chose to write descriptors which have meaning.

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Diane, Please note my comment to Josh.

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Yes, Josh. I distinguish between what I call the AUTHENTIC left, to which you and I belong, being anti-imperialists to the core, and the FAUXI left which is indeed utterly false. Defenders of this empire are not in the slightest Left, though a few like Sanders lean left but never embrace it.

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I'm 78 and for years I have said what you are writing about. Knowing many people I have always said there are woman who vote Republican who are pro choice. That the first racist people I encountered were long time Democrats living on Chicago's south side. Ridiculous to believe just because one chooses to vote a certain way everyone embraces the platform or is the epidemy of what the Media calls a Republican or a Democrat.

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Thanks for your comment. The two party system dumbs us down and blunts critical thinking.

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