Excellent presentation, Diane, and so compelling!! Starting with avoiding humiliating anyone in our daily lives, boycotting cultural expressions of humiliation, and opposing all policies and practices of humiliation at the community and government levels is something we can all do to contribute towards setting things right!
I notice that your work seems focused on resolving "just grievances and to identify legitimate goals." I find that inadequate in the context of my readings about psychopaths (i.e., the globalist leadership class), who are "conscienceless, emotionless, selfish, cold and calculating, and devoid of any moral or ethical standards, you are horrified, but at the same time everything suddenly begins to makes sense. Our society is ever more soulless because the people who lead it and who set the example are soulless - they literally have no conscience." https://www.sott.net/article/148141-The-Trick-of-the-Psychopaths-Trade-Make-Us-Believe-that-Evil-Comes-from-Others
The Transcend Method is a strategy for negotiations, like techniques of therapy, for parties to the negotiation that is superior to compromise and conflict resolution. It requires more creativity and creates a new reality that bridges seemingly incompatible goals, and has been used successfully. It does not account for the psychopaths except I would say that optimal resolutions create better life situations less conducive to psychopathy and that people who become psychopaths were likely humiliated - so much work to do on culture, childrearing, meeting basic human needs. Here is my take on evil https://coronawise.substack.com/p/reflections-on-evil
Excellent presentation, Diane, and so compelling!! Starting with avoiding humiliating anyone in our daily lives, boycotting cultural expressions of humiliation, and opposing all policies and practices of humiliation at the community and government levels is something we can all do to contribute towards setting things right!
Terrific presentation!!! Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom.
I notice that your work seems focused on resolving "just grievances and to identify legitimate goals." I find that inadequate in the context of my readings about psychopaths (i.e., the globalist leadership class), who are "conscienceless, emotionless, selfish, cold and calculating, and devoid of any moral or ethical standards, you are horrified, but at the same time everything suddenly begins to makes sense. Our society is ever more soulless because the people who lead it and who set the example are soulless - they literally have no conscience." https://www.sott.net/article/148141-The-Trick-of-the-Psychopaths-Trade-Make-Us-Believe-that-Evil-Comes-from-Others
The Transcend Method is a strategy for negotiations, like techniques of therapy, for parties to the negotiation that is superior to compromise and conflict resolution. It requires more creativity and creates a new reality that bridges seemingly incompatible goals, and has been used successfully. It does not account for the psychopaths except I would say that optimal resolutions create better life situations less conducive to psychopathy and that people who become psychopaths were likely humiliated - so much work to do on culture, childrearing, meeting basic human needs. Here is my take on evil https://coronawise.substack.com/p/reflections-on-evil