
Thanks for your comment. I agree, there is no comparison. It was the anniversary of Kent State Massacre and I wanted to communicate the times. It was much simpler then.Sorry for what you are going through. I visited the encampment at GWU several times and follow the other ones. There is a lot of propaganda abut them. Jews are very active. The have Shabbat services and had a seder on the lawn of the Capitol building. I follow this intensely.It is anti-Zionist or anti-Bibi, Anti Likud but non Anti Jew. I am mostly in touch with Hillel Schenker, a pioneer in the peace movement. Also Gershon Baskin and many more, every day. The number one cause of anti-Israel feelings is Bibi. His actions are making Israel far less secure and pariah state. I am aware that Israelis are profoundly traumatized snd terrified. Military actions make to worse.They have the opposite effect. They are ads for recruitment. I believe they could have gotten hostages out much earlier through negotiations. Bibi, Smotrich and en Gevir don't care about the hostages. I have met some of their families here. I think Bibi is destroying Israel. It is concrete thinking to believe you can physically defeat Hamas. I wrote a chapter on terrorism that defeating terrorists is the opposite of defeating terrorism. Need to deal with just grievances and legitimate goals including dignity, safety and personal sovereignty. On October 2 I was visiting a peace village, Tamera in Portugal where many Israelis go for their programs.An Israeli on the staff called a special meeting because he was so upset about how bad things were in Israel that he was afraid it was going to explode. I hope you soon get new leadership on both sides. I like the people from Standing Together - most promising. There is no military solution - makes it worse and inevitably provokes reaction. So sorry for what you are going through. I wish you peace and safety soon and riddance of Netanyahu. There will need to be lots of detraumaitzation, truth commissions and repair.

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May 30Liked by Diane Perlman, PhD

Totally agree about Bibi, Smotrich and ben Gevir. Netanyahu is trying to be PM for life, destroying Israeli democracy. they ignored the threats to the communities by Gaza. When i visited Kibbutz Nir Am it was so vulnerable to attack. thanks for reading

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We fight a different war now I wish they were really protesting today about that one. And the rioters of today are a paid group George Soros’ “text a protest “

he sends a text and or email and they are told when and where to show up and what they’re protesting. These rioters are not students.

I remember full well the Kent State massacre. If only it was ONLY 4 that died this war. This war globally has killed millions. I would call this war, the political massacre.

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Thanks, I have been to the George Washington U encampment a few times, including a Friday night Shabbat service and a teach-in. It is peaceful, I agree incitement would be from the outside but I didn't observe it in my minimal time there. Conflicts are exaggerated and there is much propaganda and hysteria. I will write about it when I can.

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My husband and I lived in Austin, Tx where he attended UT in the early 1960s. I remember all the protestors on campus who protested the Vietnam war. It was one of the most senseless and ruthless wars we ever took part in. It was a horrible thing for what we did to those poor people. As soon as our soldiers left the country, it immediately fell to the communists! So, what was the purpose in the first place? Lesson here: our country has no business going to another country and messing in their affairs. We need to mind our business. As you can see, this war lasted too long, killed too many of our soldiers and the people in that country and got our soldiers on drugs. When our soldiers got home, they were treated badly by most Americans. They were not welcomed home like other soldiers have been in the past. A lot of these soldiers suffered from war caused mental illnesses, drug and/or alcohol addiction and from awful injuries. Our country needs to mind their own business and not get involved in other countries problems. It’s none of our business. I do not trust the CIA and think they create more problems than they fix. They need to stay home and mind their own business and stay out of the affairs of all Americans including the affairs of other countries. In fact, I believe we don’t need this agency.

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I agree. The big winners in all these wars are the weapons contractors.

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As Eisenhower warned us, "Beware of the military-industrial complex! OR, “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” So said Gutle Rothschild! I.e. we live in a Godless corrupt world, so we get what we deserve!

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I beg to differ! Should we have let mass murdering commie N. Korea have S Korea? (After we gave them N Korea?) Then S Vietnam? Now they want Taiwan? The commie lead anti-war campaign was one of the most senseless and ruthless events! As with their choreographed & agitated, mass burning & killing race riots, in the 60's then last commie-inspired BLM killing & burning riots! But I guess a Godless neo-Sodom Gomorrah world deserves Satan's best, I.e. Death & Misery!

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Let us keep in mind that the Kent State shootings were likely precipitated by a student FBI informer with a pistol. Dennis Kucinich has also written about this... somewhere.


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Thank you so much Diane for sharing these treasures. I began my college days in 1969 so I too was part of this revolution. My biggest fear today is the lack of insight on college campuses today. These students represent our future. Their position against Jews is shocking to me. To see these bright young people hold such ancestral/intergenerational rage against the Jews is something I have never expected to see again. Weren't lessons learned from the Holocaust? On the other hand, I see total apathy regarding events here in the U.S. that should directly concern them. Where were these college students when the rights of women to make decisions for their own bodies was taken away from them by the Supreme Court? Why did they fail to demonstrate then? Where were these students when they were forced to take an experimental vaccine for a virus that wasn't dangerous for themselves? What has prevented their active involvement during this critical Presidential election cycle? We are faced with an epidemic of chronic disease among our children and young adults. We are experiencing a horrifying increase in all cause mortality among adults of working ages. We have a climate crisis that is impacting everyone around the country leading to increases in the severity and frequency of hurricanes, tornados, wildfires and drought. In light of all these catastrophic issues, these college students want to put their focus on the annihilation the Jews - from "the river to the sea". What the hell is happening here? I look forward to reading your subsequent posts Diane. If we don't learn the lessons from our past, we are doomed to have to live through these lessons yet again. We have been given lessons about the Jews for thousands of years. They have been hated and targeted for as long as documented history. When will this stop?

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Have you been to any of the encampments or listed to any of the interviews with the students? What you are saying is a reflection of the propaganda. I spent time at George Washington U, including a Friday night shabbat service, and also went to a Seder from If Not Now and Jewish Voice for Peace on the lawn of the Capitol and listened to many interviews with many Jewish students, including on Democracy Now. If you can listen to Peter Beinart's interview from last week with Columbia students, Ilan Cohen and another and Steve Clemons, a friend, on Al Jazeera, Bottom line and I have spoken with several students. There are outside agitators and propaganda and wild exaggerations. Most are thoughtful empathic and horrified by the slaughter of innocent civilians.

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May 30·edited May 30

there's no comparison between the anti Israel anti jew anti American protests now and the Vietnam war protests. I was incredibly engaged in so many organizations during that time including getting investigated by FBI. The American homeland was not under attack. Here in Israel there are constant threats to existance. Hezbollah is armed to the teeth with ballistic missiles and they don't care if they die as martyrs or care about Lebanon population. Iran is definitely developing nukes. Terhan has not experienced the terror of missles over head. Israels homeland is under threat of destruction. the civilian deaths in Gaza is horrible. Hamas uses all private and public institutions to harbor and launch rockets. I've read many if your articles but the people like me who read them tend to agree with reconciliation and compromise. however the world leaders tend to be megalomaniacs who should read your articles but do not. what will happen when Israel allows residents to return to the north? does Hezbollah have the right to bomb their homes? will a more destructive war break out? Israels anti missles systems will be overwhelmed. It's really stressful being here and I feel horrible about innocent civilians dying in Gaza. but it can easily get way worse. and you have worked so hard to deal with nuclear threats over the years but it seems like things have gotten worse. More lethal, faster, stealthy. and north Korea refuses to announce in advance any missles tests leaving Japan, US and south Korea in the dark regarding real vs test launches. with regards, mike

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This weekend I attended an online presentation by several academic Skinnerians on BehaviorLive.com. Your post is interesting and reminiscent of this event. Perhaps you might be interested in that.

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I studied Skinner in graduate school, even conditioned rats. I am curious what the Skinnerians are doing today.

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Thank you Dian will read with interest.

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Thanks, Diane for the flashback to 1970 and the amazing program and activities you were involved in at that time in New York. I recall hearing the shocking news of the Kent State killings when I was at the volunteer camp of Kibbutz Degania Aleph in Israel, where I worked and lived March, April and May of 1970. Way too many killings since then, it's got to stop.

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Thanks and yes it has to stop.

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Sadly, people can't be taught history i.e. the goal of the anti-God & capitalist, Fabian Communists of the 17th century. I.e. in order to get Marxism into the more advanced nations we need to cause promote & cause Chaos, "For Out Of Chaos, Comes Change! (I.e. their motto!) So organizing & bringing dope & "free love" to hippies to support mass murdering Marxist commies (Who have only murdered 110 million & enslaved a billion! Satan's promoters get us to turn over the other half of Vietnam we gave them at the Godless Yalta sell-out! (That enslaved, under communism all of China, half of Korea & Vietnam allowing PolPot to kill another 3 million! Being anti-commie, upset at watching the lynching of good man & war hero Joe McCarthy, for telling the truth about commie spies working the State Department for, A-Bomb secrets!) When I was hanging with the Hippies in San Francisco’s Height Asbury district, I could spot the commie community organizers a mile away, who can organize mindless groupthink sheep to shoot pregnant Jewish women! or burn down cities or tear up college campuses to support exterminating Jews, but not remembering how Muslims kill Americans (Remember WTC# 1 & 2?) Then & Marxist Commie inspired now college protesters caused many more Death than the 4 dead Kent State rioters! Yeah right! Just throw cherry bombs at riots, guarded by the National Guard & see what happens! The real problem is, is! We don't shoot enough mad dog rioters, so it promotes more death & Chaos that the commies need to enslave our [once] Creator-inspired land of Liberty & Freedom! God Guns & Guts built this nation! Gun-less God-less Woke LGBTQIA sheeple will bring the Chaos to enslave the world! It is written!

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How many years later was it when we found out that Nixon had personally ordered the National Guard to fire into the crowd of students? He wanted to put a chill on campus protests. Did it work? Were we more frightened or more outraged by Kent State?

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I think both but if you look through the documents in the attachments, people were morally outraged and committed and were very organized. If you haven't yet I recommend downloading the materials that were circulating. It was very moving for me.

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Hell yes it worked, gutless Godless Kid's were only there for the sex drugs & rock in roll, it did put a stop to the rioters! A lesson we should re-introduce, to save lives & property! I.e "Rioters should be shot, dead! That's why they invented Riot Guns chrildern, to Stop Rioets. (Oh Gee our un-woke is that?)

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I was there and that's not what I witnessed or experienced at all.

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So tell me, you only witness well-behaved young boys & girls protesting, US fighting mass murdering & enslaving Marxist commies, Right?

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