Fun food for thought. When speaking about it I usually just call them shots. No one really wants to get shot. Another idea, though it’s too many words, is “vaccine according to the new definition”, which causes people to know that there is a new definition.

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“Vaccine According to New Definition”. VAND

Maybe we should VAND together on this on...we can be labeled:

Contra-VAND ;)

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I love this one!

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How about FIGS [Faucian/Final Immonotoxic Genetic Solution]?

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Sorry my suggestion isn't very clever, if I think of a decent one, I'll add it.

One term that I think may soon have a window of opportunity to inject some truth into it, might be "fully vaccinated". Have people come up with any good ones for that yet, as far as any of you have heard/read? Something like "Future Vaccinated", referring to the endless process of boosting and never quite reaching that "Fully Vaccinated" carrot long enough to reach it?

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Thanks for thinking. Check the criteria. In conversation I sometimes use quaxine

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try out using some in conversation

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"Bioweapons" - call them by their true name!

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For whatever reason, "flu shots" have never been referred to as vaccines, and in my mind, the COVID "vaccines" function far more similarly to the flu shot than to any of the shots that we typically refer to as vaccines. And except in rare circumstances, flu shot have never been mandatory, and there's never been significant social pressure. And in fact, not even close to everyone takes them. So "COVID shot" seems ready made to convey the message.

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I go with gene therapeutics or gene therapy. When I am called on this one, there are research papers to support this from years back. In the privacy of our home, we call these Franken-shots or clot-shots, but on social media or online comments, I keep it to the former.

I just had a conversation with a friend yesterday that I've been trying to have for months. Now that the 3rd shots are being pushed, I wanted to bring it to her attention that strokes/heart are way up. She had a stroke/aneurism/brain bleed in August, about 6 weeks past her second shot -her first was AZ, I'm not sure of the 2nd. She couldn't walk for some time, but is better now. Of course, the two could be unrelated, but she is the fourth person I know with a stroke in the past 6 months.

She is spellbound. She told me her mom is in hospital with heart trouble, and that her mom and dad both have covid. I messaged to her that I know so many people worse off now than before. But she interjected that her mom's covid is mild, the jab worked and it is her heart that is the concern. Of course, people did have heart trouble before, but I've known so many the past 6 months too. This is the fifth one I've heard of first hand. I didn't confirm, but I can infer that her parents (70s) just had their boosters. I suggested she might want to get some NAC for her dad and Quercetin as he is at home, but crickets.

Frustrating. There is no breaking through the glass wall (something we referred to in the psych hospital where I worked - you could see the patient, talk with the patient, they could speak to you, but there was a disconnect). So the billion (inflation) dollar question remains, how do we break through to the other side?

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The “spell,” is a bizarre thing to witness. It feels like Sane in the Insane these days. I see some continuing to hit the snooze button but so many quietly waking up. A natural dentist, natural vet, and natural PA are booked out for months, and I take these as signals of hope. There’s a growing mass of people choosing wellness over programming 🙏🏻

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The video further down on this page, by a mortician in Europe, is very good; his frustration with his fellow countrymen is apparent; https://thecovidworld.com/uk-funeral-director-sends-chilling-message-about-sharp-rise-in-covid-19-vaccine-deaths/

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1. VINOs[1] – Vaccines in Name Only

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Killshot... get's right to the point, is short and punchy.

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Thanks for your suggestion but I don't want to terrify people who got the shots and not everybody dies, I hope. I have them deeply in mind and worry about their reaction as truth comes out.

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You could also call genocide "racial hygiene" or call the sterilization of African-Americans, Mexican-Americans and Native-Americans the "American Eugenics Movement" if you wanted to disguise the true purpose. I'll take the word of pioneering medical scientists, doctors and lawyers that this is a form of purposeful medical experimentation and killing that is in contravention of United States and International Law. People should be terrified because they are not being told the full truth about these injections which are not truly "vaccines" except by government manipulation of the definition, these modified viruses were in fact designed in bio-weapons laboratories. Peoples free movements are being controlled and manipulated, small businesses are being closed down while corporate businesses are being allowed to flourish and people are being shunted into a system of medical passes and ID's containing personal information similar to those imposed on Germans by the Nazis during the regime of Adolf Hitler in cooperation with large American Corporations like IBM, which is currently working on a similar system of digital identification passports here in the United States. The fact that not everybody dies is cold comfort to those who do. There are many resources available to document these claims if anyone cares to dispute them. You might want to start here:


or here:


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thanks for those links.

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You had to honestly say, "I hope," as we really don't know.

Covid shot is what I think they actually are giving...

Some doctors have said it is possible or likely to see many more adverse effects over time from. Injected

I always hoped to be wrong but so far the danger is real and growing greater daily

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Fear Spear

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“Clot shot”, by Dr. Ryan Cole, may be the most accurate.

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I vote " Clot Shot ". It is catchy and descriptive.

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the jab

Faux-zine (pronounced pho-zine)

Also, bioweapon is likely the best description.

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When I read faux-zine, I first misread it as Fauci-zine. Ha Ha

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That would be a good one too. LOL

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Hacksxxxxine conveys that it is hacking our DNA and hacking us to shredddies. Call it a haxxine and it will go away. Spell it with at least 3 xesss.

Hacksxxxine. From Hackensack. Like the Monk tune. I suggest and vote for...


Grasshopper Kaplan in utoob...

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I like it. It works on many levels. Thanks - not sure about best spelling.

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I could use this when being more forceful in communication.

In think I’d be ok with being called Anti-hackscene ;)

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that's a good spelling

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If we choose a name like Quackzine or Frankenshot, the name will not be used by people who love vaccines because such a name suggests that vaccines are bad and this attacks the main stream narrative. We need a name like VINOs or Genetic Modifiers which questions their status as helpful vaccines without immediately appearing to be hostile to medical authority. I will try to think more about this.

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Thanks for taking the time to respond. The idea is to wake them up from the mainstream narrative. There is no clear winner yet. I wish there was. Keep thinking. And check the criteria.

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Good point but neither of those terms will ever be adopted by the provaxxers. Covid shot is probably the best we can do in terms of subtly shifting perceptions.

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Whack-scene. Faucine. Death jab for duty. Jabberwocky. and the ever popular ClotShot.

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NAVY shot = Not A Vaccine, Yo! shot. I'm gonna use this to open up a convo. They will surely ask "What is a NAVY shot?". Then we can get to the fact that flu shots are not vaccines either, and I think I can get somewhere with that line of discussion. :-)

Love the Contra VAND ideas. Hackxxine, Quackxxine. All good, too.

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Psychologist Mattias Desmet brilliantly describes four conditions that render society ripe for manipulation into “mass formation” or “mass hypnosis.”

The conditions are:

1. A lack of social connectedness;

2. A lack of meaning;

3. Free-floating anxiety (that is unconnected to any mental representation); and

4. Free-floating frustration and aggression."

I think we need 5. Rewards

In broader terms, they are implementing the classic manipulation technique of PROBLEM REACTION SOLUTION.

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Good points. Thanks,

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Makes people think what does this mean?

Honestly I still call it vaxxxxxine but for speaking I like quackxine but I tend to say fake vaxxine

Injection is not bad. I also say clot shot

Ahh, how about..


That is my suggestion

And you can read the words to the song Maxxine in my substack

KGRaS. Grasshopper Radio Service.

Generally Regarded as Safe....

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