Natural immunity Pass: NIP Covid in the Butt[1]
Post publication note - I published this about 6 hours ago and got some expected, legitimate critical comments against the idea of any pass. I welcome alternative strategies. I think there are reasons to recognize people with natural immunity. Perhaps it can be like a driver’s license which discriminates between people who can be behind the wheel and those who can’t.
Let’s go beyond all or nothing thinking. Here’s a thought experiment. I had an idea I hesitate to share of mandating testing for vitamin D levels. We all hate mandates, right? I wil be marching on Sunday to defeat mandates. Of course we can make them widely available and encourage them without a mandate. Play this out. Would it be so terrible? Might it identify people and prevent cancer, severe covid, poor health? Can any mandate be a good thing, even though many, including vaccine mandates are terrible? See The Vaccine Passport and the Dynamics of Domination
We need a Best Case Scenario and an Endgame. If you don’t like my proposal, suggest something that could work better. Let’s be a think tank.
I just added another Post Post Publication Note inserted - after the description of the NIP with concrete examples to illustrate and to solve.
Proposal for a Universal Access Natural Immunity Pass in Service of an Endgame
This should be a no-brainer. The most logical, scientifically sound policy and best-case scenario to end our global nightmare, demands recognizing natural immunity which contributes to herd immunity.
People with natural immunity are a fundamental part of the solution in many ways. Natural immunity has been well-known thoughout human history. Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, documented 140 Research Studies Affirm Naturally Acquired Immunity to Covid-19: Documented, Linked, and Quoted. It has never been questioned or denied until now.
Despite what the CDC led you to believe until yesterday’s admission, Covid survivors cannot get[2] or give Covid. They are the safest people to be around. There has never been a vaccine superior to natural immunity.
Informed Consent Action Network’s Attorney Aaron Siri writes that “CDC Admits Crushing Rights of Naturally Immune Without Proof They Transmit the Virus: After formal demand, the CDC concedes it does not have proof of a single instance of a naturally immune individual spreading the virus.”
There is no scientific or public health reason to restrict any Covid survivor from anything, anywhere, ever.
Furthermore, since healthy children have mild or no symptoms, and since they do not transmit to adults, children could have remained in school, not lived in fear of killing Grandma (including me), acquired robust, enduring natural immunity and could have safely provided a buffer zone and contributed to herd immunity early on.
As evidence, the Amish in Pennsylvania quickly achieved herd immunity to Covid by May, 2020 without distancing, lockdowns, masks or vaccines - even going to church and drinking from the same cup. So have some Haredi Orthodox communities in Israel.
We could have too, in months. Beyond the scope of this article, several independent epidemiologists, virologists and other scientists warned that lockdowns and other policies, actually
* prevented the acquisition of widespread natural immunity
* created pressure for immune escape to provoke more mutations
* prolonged the pandemic by delaying herd immunity
We could have avoided mutations caused by the “vaccines” that provoke pressures for immune escape, described by Geert Vanden Bossche a world authority on virology, and summarized by Jessica Rose, citing his main message:
“Never mass vaccinate a population with a non-sterilizing product (one that does not prevent infection and therefore transmission) across all age groups during a pandemic.”
Furthermore, “mass ‘vaccination’” destroys the possibility for natural herd immunity, thus prolonging the “pandemic.”
Mass “vaccination” provides only temporary, narrow immunity to a fragment - artificial spike proteins, as opposed to robust natural immunity to every dimension of the entire virus.
James Lyons-Weiler desxcribes 50 Ways Survivors Can Be Immune “that do not involve the spike protein.” He criticizes studies that focus solely on spike-protein immunity as unethical. “They will scare people who already have robust and broad immunity into altering their immunity with a vaccine that does not even target Omicron.”
The denial of natural immunity is intentionally deceptive, manipulative, pathological and harmful. See Natural Immunity Denial Disorder: Diagnosing a Dangerous Condition.
It was estimated months ago that 50% of the US population acquired natural immunity. With mild, contagious Omicron, that number is higher. This might be enough to revitalize society.
Natural immunity can sometimes be determined by an antibody test. There has been an unscientific obsession with antibodies as the sole measure. Some people clear the virus with their innate immune systems without mounting antibodies. In other cases, antibodies wane over time but memory cells are posed to recreate them with future exposures. T-Cell immunity which can be determined by a T-Cell test is more accurate and reliable.
Here is my initial proposal “NIP Covid in the Butt” (term from my daughter). I welcome any new and better ideas and criticism in the comments. Note, I also believe that asymptomatic people who do not transmit disease could be similarly free, though not necessarily safe for those sick, vulnerable, and quarantined. I am making a specific case here for the unambiguous category of naturally immune.
Proposal for People with Natural Immunity: Universal Access, Freedom, and Responsibility
Universal Access
Covid survivors can safely be around anybody, any age, in any state of Covid infection without risk to themselves or others.
No one should be afraid to be near them, contributing to physical and mental health, reducing manipulated fear of everyone all the time.
Covid survivors should be 100% free to work, travel, attend concerts, restaurants, cultural events and to visit and attend to those who are sick or quarantined.
There is no rational, scientific reason to restrict anyone with natural immunity
Covid survivors should be exempt and prevented from getting any Covid shots which offer no benefit and a 3 – 6 times higher risk of adverse reactions, injuries and death.
Covid survivors may voluntarily choose to use their safe status, privilege and freedom to help others in the following ways, either on a volunteer or paid basis
* Visit and attend people with covid
* Deliver food and supplies
* Donate blood and form a separate blood bank with “unspiked” blood
* Donate plasma
* Work as teachers’ aids and tag team with quarantined teachers to keep schools open
* Work in hospitals or any kind of business where needed according to skill level
Covid survivors may be eligible to be hired for jobs that need a secure staff not subject to quarantines or absences.
The Natural Immunity Pass may in no way resemble a “Vaccine” Passport which subjects people to surveillance and social control. See my piece, The Vaccine Passport and the Dynamics of Domination
Perhaps it might be like a drivers’ license. I welcome ideas on how to do this. It can be international or not.
Building Herd Immunity
Healthy children have zero risk of dying from Covid. They do not infect adults and have been psychologically abused to live in fear of killing their adults.
Children have mild symptoms and contribute to herd immunity. Therefore
* Schools should remain open
* Children should not wear masks
* Children should be supplied with chewable vitamins C, D, Zinc and a good multiple and should have healthy lunches and lessons on building a healthy immune system and having mastery over their bodies
Post Post Publication Note inserted - The comments are stimulating some thoughts and need for clarification. People have understandable concerns or even revulsion to the idea of passes. There are moral, political, theoretical issues in the discussion. I would like to make it very practical and experience based. Here are 3 scenarios from my family where acceptance of natural immunity would have prevented disruption and loss - not the worst as there are deaths, disabilities and injuries that wold have been prevented with an NIP.
My older daughter’s family, including young children, had mild Covid and are all naturally immune.
My younger daughter also had mild Covid and has natural immunity.
My son’s family, the school and their entire community strictly follow the CDC. Therefore, his 4 children could not hug their beloved aunt or play with their beloved cousins, go to birthday parties or celebrate holidays for this whole time - a huge chunk of their young childhoods. If their natural immunity was validated, they would have had no fear
My grandson’s bus driver tested positive, so every kid on the bus had to say home for 10 days. If there was an NIP, he could have gone to school and his parents would have had less stress
My youngest with NI got pressure from all of her friends to gat the shot in order to be with them. My son would not let her hug his children without the shot because of the CDC. Her choice was to get a shot or be isolated and miserable. She did research, chose the J & J and I gave her a bunch of protective supplements to take before and after the shot. btw, she had no antibodies but did have T-Cell immunity, which probably means that her immune system is working great.
How could this situation best be handled? What is better than a Natural Immunity Pass?
Liberation from Covid: A Best-Case Scenario
* Identify people with natural immunity. If there are no antibodies, check T-Cell immunity which is more reliable and accurate.
* Give Covid survivors some safe, secure, surveillance-proof form of identification that can be accepted internationally
* Explore employment and volunteer opportunities for Covid survivors
* Conduct free mass testing of vitamin D levels, highly correlated with mildness of Covid and survival. Hold pop-up clinics in schools and community centers. Offer free vitamin D level testing and other critical bloodwork for free at pharmacies. Identify nutritional deficiencies and correct.
* Offer CME, Continuing Medical Education to allopathic doctors on immunity, preventive medicine, effective early treatment of Covid, host resistance, terrain theory, nutrition, detoxification and integrative, complementary medicine.
* Address Vitamin D and other nutritional deficiencies as well as healthy diet, access to fresh, organic, glyphosate-free produce, clean water and lifestyle.
* Educate about immune boosting and encourage personal agency over one’s body, build host resistance and a healthy terrain in body and environment, as opposed to passive helplessness of a “pill for an ill” and a “drug for a bug.”
* Quarantine people with co-morbidities. Take measures to improve their health. Ensure quality of life with visits from Covid survivors and support with technology and zooming.
* Supply nutraceutical bundles to all like they do in several countries

* Keep schools open. Don’t worry about children catching it. School nurse should stock up on protocols for early treatment. Parents should be educated. Children should get vitamins C, D, zinc and multiple with their healthy lunch made from produce from their roof gardens.
* Keep college campuses open to safely increase this buffer zone towards herd immunity. Provide all with prophylactic immune support, testing for vitamin D levels. Offer nutraceuticals and healthy food in the cafeteria. Maintain full stocks of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Fluvoxamine, high dose intravenous Vitamin C, nebulizers for use with Budesonide and/or hydrogen peroxide, hyperbaric oxygen chambers saunas, etc. Students should not live in fear and be supported in “milding™” (new word I just made up) their symptoms while they achieve lifelong natural immunity.
* Working class people who are not in colleges should be similarly supported in communities, places of work, worship and social institutions for testing D levels, nutrition and preparation for early treatment.
* People without natural immunity, including “vaccinated” and “boosted” should take nutritional prophylaxis, have a protocol kit available in their homes, ready to take at the first sign of infection for safe, effective home treatment. See Fareed-Dyson Protocol or FLCCC protocols. People should prepare with friends and family and not live in fear.
* People may wish to have a trusted health care practitioner lined up in advance who is knowledgeable about early treatments.
* Anyone who notices symptoms should begin their prepared treatment immediately
* Provide intensive treatment and support for all people injured and disabled by the mRNA and DNA shots. Provide grief counselling and support groups for family members of those who died from the shots as well as potential support for individual or class action as justice contributes to healing, and injustice is adding insult to injury.
* Provide intensive educational and social remediation for all affected by school closings and lockdown to catch up and even surpass their grade level.
* Hold tribunals, truth and reconciliation commissions and support legal actions holding perpetrators accountable.
Like the Amish, we might have achieved herd immunity by 2020 with no lockdown, educational setbacks, financial devastation, anxiety, depression, suicide and other traumas.
PS I love this article, written by Jon Sanders, June, 2021
Why Is There Such Reluctance to Discuss Natural Immunity?
Excerpts (bolds are mine)
Others … seem to have forgotten the ultimate goal of the public campaign for people to receive vaccination against Covid-19. It’s not to be vaccinated; it’s to have immunity. People with natural immunity — i.e., people whose immune systems have faced Covid-19 and won — don’t need a vaccine.
They do, however, need to be considered in any good-faith discussion of herd immunity. There are two prongs to herd immunity, as we used to all know, and those with natural immunity are the prong that’s being ignored. It’s not just mere oversight, however. Fostering such ignorance can lead to several bad outcomes:
People with natural immunity could be kept from employment, education, travel, normal commerce, and who knows what other things if they don’t submit to a vaccine they don’t need in order to fulfill a head count that confuses a means with the end
The nation could already be at herd immunity while governors and health bureaucrats continue to exert extreme emergency powers, harming people’s liberties and livelihoods
People already terrified of Covid — including especially those who’ve already had it — would continue to live in fear, avoiding human interaction and worrying beyond all reason
People could come to distrust even sound advice from experts about important matters, as they witness and grow to expect how what “the experts” counsel diverges from what they know to be wise counsel while it conforms to and amplifies the temporary needs of the political class
Those of us wanting good information certainly don’t want any of those outcomes. But others seem perfectly fine to risk them. They include not only elected officials, members of the media, political talking heads, self-important bureaucrats, and their wide-eyed acolytes harassing shoppers, but strangely also highly prominent health organizations.
For example, late last year Jeffrey Tucker showed that the World Health Organization (WHO) suddenly, and “for reasons unknown,” changed its definition of “herd immunity.” Using screenshots from a cached version on the Internet Archive, Tucker showed how the WHO altered its definition in such a way as to erase completely the role of natural immunity. Before, the WHO rightly said it “happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection.” The WHO’s change stated that it happens “if a threshold of vaccination is reached.” Not long after Tucker’s piece appeared, the WHO restored natural immunity to its definition.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), seemingly apropos of nothing, on May 19 issued a “safety communication” to warn that FDA-authorized SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests “should not be used to evaluate immunity or protection from COVID-19 at any time.” The FDA’s concern appears to be that taking an antibody test too soon after receiving a vaccination may fail to show vaccine-induced antibodies, but why preclude its use for “identifying people with an adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2 from a recent or prior infection?” Especially after stating outright that “Antibody tests can play an important role in identifying individuals who may have been exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and may have developed an adaptive immune response.”
Then there is the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director, Dr. Anthony Fauci, that ubiquitous font of fatuous guidance. He had told people that herd immunity would be at 60 to 70 percent immunity, and then he started publicly cinching those numbers up: 75 percent, 80 percent, 85 percent, even 90 percent (as if Covid-19 were as infectious as measles). He is quoted in the New York Times admitting to doing so deliberately to affect people’s behavior:
“When polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent,” Dr. Fauci said. “Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, ‘I can nudge this up a bit,’ so I went to 80, 85.“
Now — or better put, as of this writing — Fauci has taken to arguing herd immunity is a “mystical elusive number,” a distracting “endgame,” and therefore not worth considering. Only vaccinations are worth counting. As he put it recently, “We don’t want to get too hung up on reaching this endgame of herd immunity because every day that you put 2 million to 3 million vaccinations into people [it] makes society be more and more protected.”
While composing an article about natural immunity and herd immunity for my home state of North Carolina, I happened to notice that the Mayo Clinic had removed a compelling factoid about natural immunity. It’s something I had quoted in an earlier discussion of the matter and wanted to revisit it.
Here’s what the Mayo Clinic once wanted people to know in its page on “Herd Immunity and COVID-19” with respect to natural immunity: “[T]hose who survived the 1918 flu (influenza) pandemic were later immune to infection with the H1N1 flu, a subtype of influenza A.” The Mayo Clinic pointed out that H1N1 was during the 2009-10 flu season, which would be 92 years later. That finding attested to just how powerful and long-lived natural immunity could be.
I appreciate the negative and positive feedback and take it seriously. It is a dilemmas people with natural immunity can be helpful. I will rethink.
No passes for health.....if this made sense, why not include the FLU too...there is a reason this is a HORRIBLE about for AIDS....why no passports then? NEVER NEVER = yellow stars