I would like to nominate the very late (he died in 1904) Theodore Herzl for the Nobel WAR Prize.

Also for the Nobel WAR Prize I nominate the entire United States Departments of Defense and State.

For the (real) Nobel Peace Prize I nominate the following two journalists:

(1) Sam Husseini

(2) Ilana Mercer

Bill Fairchild

Columbia, SC


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Thanks for your submissions. Yes, the US should take the lead in the War Prize but Nobel himself would disavow it. I agree with Sam, he is a very good friend. I was not familiar with Ilana Mercer and just looked her up - so thanks for informing me.

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My prediction is that it will go to Japan, for creating the first commercially viable new saMRNA "self amplifying" vaccines, to help win the war against pathogens and protect the world against biological terror and bioweapon terrorists. 🤨🤦‍♀️

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A creative suggestion. How have we survived so far without "self amplifying" vaccines?

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