An article appeared yesterday on the Grey Zone that explained, for the first time I've seen, what happened to turn normally peace and freedom-oriented Leftists into supporters of censorship and authoritarian mandates.


I think your diagnosis of "Intolerable psychic pain" explains what people on the left suffered from exposure to Trump's breaking all norms of behavior. Add fear to that and people "regress to primitive levels of functioning, lose higher level cognitive functions, capacity for logic, the ability to anticipate consequences and to understand cause and effect." That's how a movement that almost won a Presidential nomination was neutralized and turned 180 degrees.

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Thanks for your careful reading and thoughtful comment and link to gray zone. I also attribute some of the left brainwashing to trust in NPR with believable propaganda. We need to be more strategic.

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Thanks for yet another well researched and substantive article. I think you'll appreciate my substack from yesterday which speaks to the issues of children and their doctors, pediatricians, who are continuing to promote vaccination. SHAME ON ALL OF THEM. The question I ask in my articles is How do you sleep at night?

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Suggestion from an editor: There is a tremendous amount of good material to take in here. I think it would be more accessible if you broke this into two posts, comprising the kids & vaccine piece and the PsyOp/psychological/sociological analysis. There's very little overlap, so the split should be easy. Your readers will thank you.

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Much appreciated. I knew it was too long but wanted to be comprehensive. That makes sense,

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I didn't forget your suggestion - I have a writing deadline and then I may do 4 or 5 parts - these 2 + on on dirty tricks and solutions and maybe another.

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I have learned that public comments are useless. They will act like they are important then do what they intended anyway. This is how government roles on all issues and in all agencies. I am sorry to say the only thing they will listen to is one—their pay checks are stopped or two—a mob at their door with weapons.

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Understood - but I think it's good they know we are watching and they changed their tactics - they are not useful the way we want them to be but I think put them on guard.

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April 6?! I thought we had till 4/15 to submit our public comments?? I was planning to write a letter about it but no way can I make that deadline!

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I think they allow public comments longer - but last time they cut them off sooner

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I’m just going to submit Toby’s talking points (https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/urgent-call-to-action-we-have-30) prefaced with my articles related to children along with “Letter to a Colluder” to prick their conscience if they have one:

• “Letter to a Governing Body” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-governing-body)

• “Letter to a Tyrant” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-tyrant)

• “Letter to a Colluder” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling)

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Thanks so much for all of that. They seem to be cutting comment period shorter - do't want 140,000 comments again. I will write something before midnight.

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As a general rule, for any important matter, provide the feedback/action asap as they can shorten deadlines. Or even pull it!

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Understood but easier said than done when I'm juggling a dozen competing deadlines 😁

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Use a time-turner....

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I don't know what that it is but sounds like I need one 😆

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Harry Potter.

A time-turner is a personalised time traveler - that was how Hermione managed to cram all her studies in - by using a time-turner! Remember just THREE turns of the dial!

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Ah, I haven't had time to read the Harry Potter series—I guess I need a time-turner for that, too! 😆

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This is great. Thank you so much!

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You are very welcome It is reassuring to know that you appreciate it.

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Fear and ignorance = dangerous cocktail.

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It sure is a whack-scene!

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