Diane - Masterful! What brilliant work you have done here in clarifying the nature of the Verido character structure. In doing so you have given us an Ideal Model for being a human being. Thank you so much.

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I read this, thinking about my background, my family - very anti-authoritarian. My father was proud that I argued with him. To him, it meant he was a good father, unafraid of him, unafraid to challenge him. So the more I argued with him, the better he felt about himself!!! And yes, I have found it easy to challenge anyone's thinking, and more generally to think for myself.

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Regarding the importance and impacts of childhood on our future lives, please don't forget how crucial our first few non-cognitive years are. This is when we are learning through our bodies, and this knowing will ultimately impact our cognitive knowing. What effect would non-attachment have on an infant's future? How does trust in our own knowing develop if our bodily needs are not being met (because people don't think some infants' needs are necessary, or they don't know what to do, or it doesn't conveniently fit into their lives)? Please read Gabor Mate's latest book, 'The Myth of Normal'.

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Appreciate your comment very much. I used to run bulimia groups in the late 1980s and wondered whether it was related to the belief in feeding infants every 4 hours, among many other factors, instead of feeding when they needed it - called "feeding on demand" which framing is problematic. And how it disconnected eating from biological needs. I also seem to recall something about schizophrenics being adopted - I may be wrong - but not having atonement in the first hours and days. I remember with each of my 3 children; born at home - the first cry was frightening, the first experience of hunger, but after that they knew if they cried they would immediately get a breast in their mouth. I felt very powerful in that one area that I could make all right with the world.

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Alice, while I appreciate the creative bent in using Verido as a noun, it is in no way relative to “Libido.” The quest and obtainment of “Truth” is a pure and undefiled concept. Libido, on the other hand, and probably in most cases now that God’s Holy Word has been mostly snuffed out, is anything but. It is the source of out of control vulgarity, lasciviousness, fornication, adultery, mental lust, and unnatural perversions now accepted as “normal” in society. I think we should stick with the original Latin word Veritas.

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Thanks for your response. To clarify 2 things - there are natural instincts that are healthy and related to our survival. Due to punishment and abuse they can become perverted. There is a healthy instinctual drive. When I interviewed courageous people I got that their commitment to truth and taking personal risks was not a cognitive rational logical process. It felt instinctual as if they could not tolerate holding untruths.

My friend Marilyn Langlois wrote about "Thumos" - "writer and researcher Elizabeth Woodworth highlighted the concept of thumos, which she defined as the inability to tolerate injustice without taking action. https://www.transcend.org/tms/2023/12/thumos-fire-in-the-belly-and-a-taste-of-salt/

I hope this helps.

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Brilliant, extremely thought provoking and so validating. Thankyou so much for sharing your profound work.

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Thanks also for your validation. Much appreciated.

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Wow! Thank you!

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You are most welcome.

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As detailed as you present your thesis and of course you are right, but in the actual real time world one does not reflect or ever think about it because it’s instinctual and quick and only used under specific circumstance that sometimes is spontaneous and unplanned.

For example one day I was shopping in Lord & Taylor’s in NY. As I passed a display on the main floor there was an old woman sitting on one base of the display with 1 inch ropes around two young children’s necks : one child around 3 the other 5. Lots of customers went around them curiously looking but saying and doing nothing. I just HAD TO STOP THAT IMMEDIATELY. So as I passed her I stopped and said, “Hey excuse me. “You have ropes around those kids necks! “. I was aggressive in tone. She was a tough old crone and yelled back, “Go away go away. It’s nothing” dismissing me with her hand.

I told her I was reporting her to the police. She didn’t care.

I found the security department in the store and they didn’t seem interested but said they would check it out. That was not good enough. I went to my car and called 911. Then I identified myself as a teacher (which I am) and reported the situation and the old women’s harsh attitude toward me when I questioned her. I told them store security would not get involved but I strongly suggested the police should because a rope tied in a knot around toddlers could be very dangerous. She was obviously NOT the mom. Maybe grandma but maybe not.

That kind of action I did was public and yet NO ONE HELPED OR JOINED ME. Just disgusting that humans see victims to all sorts of things and DO NOTHING I don’t need a phd to help others in need. We just need the golden rule : TREAT OTHERS AS ONE WOULD EXPECT TO BE TREATED YOURSELF. speak up ---be courageous ---and stop people from abusing others. It’s your responsibility.

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Thanks for sharing your story. Everything you say is correct. You don't know who is a moral hero or a whistleblower until you are in a situation that calls for action. It is astonishing how passive, cowardly, passive, not wanting to get involved most people are, and sad. Good for you for wha you did. You said it was instinctual - which is why I coined the term "verido" an instinctual drive to truth and justice, and to protect others. Thanks so much.

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Very interesting. Thank-you for covering this material. I have often wondered what common characteristics the people who "saw through" Covid share. I couldn't help but notice folks that believe in something greater than themselves is a theme. Having a conscience and acting requires human traits such as hope and faith...there did appear to exist a direct relationship between education and ease of brainwashing (or at least, just following orders)...

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This is brilliant! I would like to interview you for the second Truth Summit (Sept 25-Oct 6). I've just sent you an email at coronawise!substack.com. I have one person left to find to interview - and you would be exactly right. All the best, Elsa

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Masterful. Thank you.

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