Dec 15, 2022Liked by Diane Perlman, PhD

Thank you Diane! very important to be aware of the dualistic trap being set for us continually in various forms to deter us from rejecting, individually and collectively, the greed-driven tyranny that hinders our ability to take that quantum leap in human relations.

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Diane Perlman, PhD

Wise words. Thank you.

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I remember well your Open Letter, Diane. We've all come a long way since then...

I would like to see you do an in-depth analysis of the psychological splitting at work when "they seem compelled to mindlessly reject 100% of everything Trump advocates with zero thought or discernment."

This is what broke the brains of Progressives and turned them into censorship-loving CIA supporters. I think the resulting demolition of the domestic antiwar movement is one of the CIA's greatest accomplishments. What were the tools employed against us?

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This is a phenomenal presentation, Diane. You've pulled together some very complex ideas in an easy-to-understand way.

We still don't know exactly who made the decisions at the highest levels to conceal the spikeshot harm and to continue aggressively promoting it, but we do know that the more we stay divided by wedge issues like abortion, guns, religion, race, and war, the less likely we are to form the critical mass necessary to oppose the status quo. I hope you are right, and that more people will start to shake loose from self-defeating political convictions rooted in identification (or disidentification), so that the situation will change.

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I found this very interesting with many salient points, until the end which said 'Mixing things up.....enslavement. I don't believe that mixing things up will lead to enslavement if we know, and are connected to, our own knowing, which begins the day we are born, NOT just when we begin talking.

Early childhood trauma, which is endemic in our child rearing practices (lack of attachment, infants crying themselves to sleep, etc) is one issue that must be addressed if we are to make changes.. Gabor Mate talks about this from a scientific, and experiential, viewpoint.

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Thank you so very much! This is an outstanding article. I’ve been so frustrated by folks being constantly, and intentionally, diverted by all the things you mention here. You explain the reasons why so well, and objectively. Who would have imagined that people couldn’t agree on bodily autonomy?! I firmly believe that we are being subjected to some sort of subliminal messaging. Nothing else explains peoples’ behavior in recent years. We MUST come together and resist this evilness. All of it. Now. To quote Lincoln, “A house divided cannot stand.”

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I just read Dr. Rabin's piece that you linked to. It seems clear to me that she's still trapped in the worldview that it is possible to have leaders that are 100% consistent with one's values. I now recognize that view to be simplistic. Although I don't support any of Senator Johnson's other values, his heroic efforts on early treatment and vaccine injuries made me want to support him financially.

I am politically homeless (and really enjoy Bridget Phetasy's blog with that title). The Progressives I used to identify with have gone to the Dark Side, in my view. Neither political party represents me. I have no illusions that voting can change things: "If voting really mattered, they wouldn't allow it." But because I'm so pissed off at California Democrats and their medical misinformation law, I voted for a bunch of Rs this last time out.

I could feel a lot of dichotomizing energy in Dr. Rabin's writing, which I believe is the result of the tremendously successful COVID psyop. It's clear to me she's so locked in that she couldn't even *imagine* herself voting for a Republican. Our culture needs to move past that tribalism.

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Wow, Diane, this is a brilliant article and so helpful to me personally as I struggle to find a home for my "politically marooned" self and am stunned and astounded that my (former) community of Friends (Quakers) not only don't know that the gene injections are poisonous and that masks do nothing and cause incalcuable harm to children. They also can't even begin to hear that these truths.

I'm always and forever grateful for your kind and eye-opening hospitality during the March Against the Mandates. I'll be in touch soon by email or phone. I hope you are well.

all best wishes, Rachel

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