I begin, “Everyone on the planet has been betrayed on some level” … but first
Whether we deal with our powerful, universal experience of betrayal consciously or unconsciously will literally make all of the difference in the world. It is critical that we take an enlightened approach to get this one right. Here I attempt a comprehensive, coherent and constructive analysis to guide us towards intentional, wisely designed strategies and processes, informed by social science, conflict analysis, psychology and history.
I used to be a licensed clinical psychologist with a practice in individual, couple, family therapy, Jungian analysis and psychoneuroimmunology, with interests in political psychology, and conflict transformation. I coined “Reparology™” – towards a social science of repair. “Reparative justice,” is more precise than “restorative justice” because we need to transcend rather than restore conditions that allowed such destruction.
Now we need what I call “POLITICAL THERAPY” – like family therapy only bigger, but no one is making an appointment.
Many countries and cultures, ancient and modern, have evolved public processes, tribunals, and truth commissions, using techniques and rituals to emerge from periods of collective trauma to constructively address pain, trauma and conflicts. South Africa’s Truth & Reconciliation Commission (TRC), among others, was designed to prevent a bloodbath at the end of apartheid.
In part 2 I will present a formula, with elements common to all processes, adapted to this one to help us process this prolonged, multifaceted, global trauma.
I hope this can lead to organizing a graceful way out towards a softer landing and a best-case scenario to support the building of a new, healthy society.
In part 2 I will present a formula, with elements common to all processes, adapted to this one, informed by social science to help us process this prolonged, multifaceted, global trauma.
Tessa Lena – for inspiration about betrayal
Robert Malone for many of his cartoons from Friday Funnies and Sunday Strips
Mello Trust And Betrayal – How To Destroy, Take Over And Transform The Society When No One is Watching, a brilliant article. I took some quotes from it
If you don’t wish to read so much, you can skim through headlines, lists and illustrations to get the idea.
Here is a table of contents so you know where this is going.
1. Moral Outrage at Pfizer in the European Parliament
2. US Emotional Firestorm over the Atlantic’s Emily Oster’s Request for Amnesty
· Prime Movers, Masterminds, Puppeteers, mostly acting on a global scale
· Secondary Perpetrators
· Manipulated Betrayed Betrayers, still accountable
· Psychologically and Biologically, Injected and Betrayed
· Socially, Economically, Spiritually Betrayed Refuseniks & Whistleblowers
· Injured, Killed, Victimized True Believers
CATEGORES OF BETRAYAL: A Growing List (including almost everybody on the planet)
Everyone on the planet has been betrayed on some level, except for known and unknown prime movers, masterminds, puppeteers, and super perpetrators of the Covid Plandemic, Great Reset, and more.
(Edit note, 11/17. I just spoke with Vera Sharav who reminded that the Prime Movers, Puppeteers are betraying each other - so I stand corrected, everyone is being betrayed).
The cascade of betrayal, flowing from the top down, has washed over all of us. Many who believe the highly crafted official narrative, mystified by a plausible misrepresentation of reality, are not yet aware that they have been betrayed.
Those who directly and personally betrayed us have been lied to, manipulated, brainwashed, and otherwise betrayed themselves. Some believed they were saving lives. Many were frightened to death. Some became aware but feared devastating consequences, witnessing punishment of all who spoke the truth.
Betrayal is the violation of trust or confidence that produces moral and psychological injuries. There can be betrayal of trust between individuals, between individuals and organizations, institutions, some professions, and governments.
There can be betrayal of a friend, a moral standard, or one's principles.
Betrayal can be an act of exposing or delivering someone to an enemy through treachery or disloyalty. Billions of people have been delivered to the perpetrators.
Self-betrayal includes doing things we know are harmful to ourselves, failing to stand up for ourselves, allowing ourselves to be coerced, compromising our principles, not living up to our standards, not listening to our inner voice.
“Each betrayal begins with trust.” Martin Luther[1]
Basic trust in being cared for is at the foundation of our entire development. We are born helpless and utterly dependent on others for our survival. According to Harvard professor and psychoanalyst Erik Erikson’s popular eight stage theory of psychosocial development, each stage of life has a task which is a building block for future stages. Successful mastery of each task supports subsequent healthy development. The first task we master in life results in either basic trust or basic mistrust.

Development is impacted by biological, psychological, and social factors. (Childhood and Society, Erikson, 1950). Covid polices including lockdowns, school closings, masks, mandates, toxic injections, pressures to induce compliance and fear-mongering provoking mass hysteria. These penetrate biological, psychological, and social dimensions.
Parental fears, anxieties, depression, sudden cessation of all social activities, including school, visits with family and friends, communities of faith, etc. impact children’s universe and basic trust.
In family and in society, if we are fortunate enough to be relatively safe and protected, we develop a sense of trust that may include “institutions like the government, the police, media, medical establishment, people in positions of authority, or the ones labeled as experts in a given field. Kids have absolute trust in their parents and everything they do, later they trust their guardians and teachers in school, etc.” Mello
I hypothesize that the emotional experience of violation of basic trust has a unique quality, deeper, more visceral and complicated than other painful emotions. Violation of trust hits us at the core of our being. It shatters our sense of security and confidence in the reliability of people and institutions we depend on for basic survival and harkens back to our birth.
In addition to feeling threatened, it is enraging, with elements of indignation and moral outrage if we have been harmed and exploited by those we trusted, and/or loved, admired, and looked up to, who violated our trust.
Now reflecting on Erikson’s model, the Covid narrative and policies also undermine tasks of each stage, (autonomy, initiative, industry, etc.) but trust is most primitive.
Furthermore, the Covid narrative, by design, exploited existential fears of annihilation, vulnerabilities, dependencies and regressive, intensified needs for trusted authorities to protect us, which they promised and exaggerated.
“Trust takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair”
In addition to being horrifying, it is mind-boggling to recognize how secret powers managed to (almost successfully) pull off the scam of the millennium. They constructed, fabricated and propagandized a compelling, plausible, virtual, wall-to-wall universe for us to live in, like in the Matrix or “The Truman Show.”
The official Covid narrative and coordinated enforcing policies have been held up by a layers thick, reinforced wall of lies. Aspects of this veritable Hoover Dam have been architected, strategized, planned, invested in, patented, enshrined, rehearsed and simulated for years, decades and longer. These include a hidden infrastructure for coordinated, practiced lockstep actions by almost every government in the world doing the same exact thing at the same time, making identical mistakes, instituting coercive policies, and synchronizing highly designed messaging campaigns.
For example, at one fell swoop an executive decision could raise the cycle threshold of PCR tests to yield false positives as needed to claim a pandemic, exaggerate threats, escalate fear to induce compliance with harmful policies.
The US spent $10 billion employing behavioral scientists to design “nudging” campaigns and another billion to coordinate all media to mindlessly repeat scripted psyops verbatim, while massively, seamlessly censoring all counter-narrative views and defaming those speaking truth as right-wing extreme conspiracy theorists.
Doctors in US hospitals were dictated to mindlessly follow uniform protocols that suppressed early treatments and forbade safe, effective, available, cheap, unpatentable drugs and natural supplements. Hospitals were incentivized with $13,000 for a Covid diagnosis, $39,000 for intubation, with a high death rate, and additional 20% bonus above the hospital bill to administer toxic, deadly, ineffective Remdesivir, and more for listing Covid as the cause of death. Doctors were forbidden to give their own patients indicated treatments tailored to their needs. Doctors who developed protocols with the highest success rates and kept their patients out of the hospital were defamed as quacks. Many lost their licenses.
Media inflated death rates, counting people who died with Covid from other causes, as from Covid. An estimated 85% of Covid deaths could have been prevented with early treatments. Many who died from hospital protocols would have survived at home. Media did not stratify by age, so young people believed that their risk was infinitely higher.
People were told they could do nothing but wait for magical shots, deceptively called “vaccines,” a psyop, as people were primed to trust since childhood. mRNA shots are nothing like vaccines. They have never been used on humans. They do not prevent infection and transmission.
Being forced to wait in fear eclipses every sense of personal agency, inducing psychological regression, dependence on authorities and helplessness that suppresses the immune system. Although Anthony Fauci took Vitamin D, highly protective and associated with 96% survival, the public was not told anything they could do.
As truth erupts, as people wake up in waves, the dam will crack until it bursts into a global tsunami of betrayal, now bubbling wildly under the surface.
It is already unleashing a range of emotions, with betrayal as a common denominator. Privately held opinions and emotions can now be publicly expressed as facts become undeniable, lawsuits keep winning, and there is safety in numbers. They will coalesce with others to form a force to reckon with.
Two new cracks in the dam have recently burst forth.
· One in Europe among those who fell for the official narrative and
· One in the US that triggered a firestorm of debate about amnesty and tensions between those just waking up and those who knew, refused to comply and were punished.
People in both camps were betrayed. Some also betrayed others. All paid high prices.
1. Moral Outrage at Pfizer in the European Parliament
At a European Parliament Covid inquiry meeting on October 10, Netherlands MEP Rob Roos questioned Pfizer’s representative Janine Small, Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, sitting in for CEO Albert Bourla who refused to show up.
MEP Roos asked, “Was the Pfizer covid vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?”
Small replied, “… No. We had to move at the speed of science to really understand what was taking place in the market. And from that point of view, we had to do everything at risk. I think Dr Bourla, even though he’s not here, would turn around and say to you himself, ‘If not us then who?’”
Roos responded, “Millions of people worldwide felt forced to get vaccinated because of the myth ‘you do it for others.’”
On October 11, six members of the European Parliament held an emergency press conference. Here is a powerful 26-minute video worth watching.
00:48 – MEP Francesca Donato (Italy)
04:38 – MEP Cristian Terhes (Romania)
12:56 – MEP Virginie Jeron (France)
15:01 – MEP Sylvia Limmer (Germany)
18:26 – MEP Ivan Sincic (Croatia)
22:41 – MEP Christine Anderson (Germany)
Each MEP expressed shock, outrage and indignation in strong, incriminating language. They embarrass the US congress with their boldness and integrity, acting as responsible civil servants protecting their constituents.
They excoriated Pfizer for violating trust in the scientific community, for failing to send requested information on clinical trials to the European Medicines Agency (their CDC) to properly inform MEPs before they voted for Emergency Use Authorization, EUA. Romanian MEP Chris Tehres decried them for lying, keeping secrets to protect their interests at the expense his people’s interests, marketing and forcing people to get “fake vaccines,” and of violating fundamental human rights and freedoms with their “Digital Green Passport.”
MEP Terhes passionately pulled out a statistical map from Eurostat saying, “ .. you will see that the countries with the highest vaccination rate have the highest mortality rate, so obviously we ask, is there a connection between having a higher mortality rate? Everybody’s avoiding answering this logical question.”
Here, is a subtitled 2-minute clip of Croatian MEP, lawyer Mislav Kolakusic, demanding to
· Refund the $2.5 billion euro already paid to Pfizer
· Terminate the $71 billion contract for “fake vaccines,” (10 doses per person!!)
· Prosecute Pfizer and others for “the crime of promoting fake vaccines and damaging the EU budget of 71 billion euros” committed by European Commission president Ursula Von der Leyen
· Investigate the Von der Leyen’s secret deals and texts to Pfizer CEO Bourla.
Persevering, the EU Parliament held a bigger, remarkable conference on “Covid Corruption” On October 31, 2022. https://www.bitchute.com/video/5SHWoYeTv7bo/ It is refreshing to hear government leaders so passionate about pursuing truth and justice.
By the way, did you hear any of this reported on NPR, CNN, MSNBC, or any US MSM?
2. US Emotional Firestorm over the Atlantic’s Emily Oster’s Request for Amnesty
I wonder whether Emily Oster and the Atlantic had any idea what would be unleashed when they publishedLET’S DECLARE A PANDEMIC AMNESTY: Let’s focus on the future, and fix the problems we still need to solve. By Emily Oster
She certainly touched a collective nerve. We have rarely seen an article provoke such a flood of emotion, especially betrayal.
Oster got some things wrong and was naively unaware how she offended those who got it right and what we suffered. However, the fact that The Atlantic, a powerful media outlet promoting propaganda, manipulating fear and fueling hostility towards us published this public admission and recognition that they were wrong represents a seismic shift. Unleashing this heated, furious and mostly healthy debate is creating new space in public discourse that is accelerating us towards the long-awaited tipping point.
This article makes at least two cracks in the dam. One opened a space offering social support for those who got it wrong to recognize it and begin to reflect on how they were played. It behooves us to be patient to allow some of them to come to terms with the painful awareness of how they were betrayed and how they may have betrayed others.
The other crack supports seekers of truth to express emotions, to testify about ways we have been harmed and to dialogue amongst ourselves about what is needed to heal and move forward.
Some of the more helpful articles discriminate levels of guilt and go beyond right and wrong and vengeance to focus on ways to correct what happened and prevent it in the future, such as:
1. A pandemic amnesty? Not so fast...In a new op-ed, Dr. Pierre Kory argues that three things need to change before anyone can consider a COVID mulligan
2. Amnesty, Yes—And Here is the Price, by Charles Eisenstein
3. No ‘Pandemic Amnesty,’ We Want Accountability By Madhava Setty, M.D
4. Naomi Wolf: Forget COVID amnesty, where is justice? I don’t hear any apologies for what the vaccine promoters have done to others. Only the gravest of reckonings will ever allow us to heal, or even move safely forward together— as a nation.
I will address the responses in more depth and specificity in Betrayal All the Way Down Part 2. A few brief points for now.
1. It is not one size fits all. Different levels of perpetration and guilt demand different approaches to reparative justice. Abolish the word “THEY”
2. To heal, forgiveness can be and should be earned and based on recognition and remorse and true atonement. Unilateral forgiveness does not make us safer. Many will need public support and collective rituals to help them through this
3. We need a well-designed public process, some variation of a truth and reconciliation commission and process rather than inconsistent attempts that may work against healing.
Betrayal is a common denominator underlying each painful emotion inflicted by every aspect of Covid. Betrayal adds a layer that makes everything worse, more complicated, more excruciating.
Unlike loss, grief and trauma caused by unpreventable natural disasters, painful enough, harm intentionally perpetrated by humans, through deception, fraud, secrecy, lying and massive coordination of individuals, institutions, governments, companies, media and other actors involves deliberate betrayal.
Operating on a global scale, at every level, impacting every relationship complicates these emotions. People who have been pitted against each other are at various stages of awareness and awakening, making this challenging to address.
Emotions include: (feel free to add more in Comments)
at Self
at friends, family, colleagues, who insulted, rejected, coerced
at government, politicians
at institutions designed to protect
Moral Outrage
over harms caused by lockdowns, coercive policies
over human caused, preventable losses
of future harm caused by policies, injections
of future adverse reactions, side effects, heart problems, infertility, etc.
for insulting and/or rejecting friends, colleagues, family
for causing harm to others
for not knowing
for insulting and/or rejecting friends, colleagues, family
for believing falsehoods
for arrogantly making false statements
for being rude, cruel, insulting to previously loved and admired people for the first time ever
for being duped
at one’s own reactions in the last 3 years
at being manipulated and falling for lies
at the extent of malevolence and evil
because what happened is unbelievable, unless you know history
resistance to facing painful truths
because the truth is hard to swallow
because the truth is terrifying
because the truth is intolerable
Disappointment, loss of faith
at Self
at friends, family, colleagues
at government, politicians
at trusted authorities, institutions designed to protect
Feelings of helplessness
being prevented from exercising one’s own agency
being induced into passivity
bbout the world and what happened to humanity
of people, livelihood, money, savings, work, opportunities, experiences, lifestyle, innocence, community, education, health, skills
Normal Grief and mourning processes made complicated with more pain and anguish, more intolerable and difficult to resolve, if the death, disability, harm and loss was
· avoidable and preventable
· caused by acts of humans as opposed to acts of nature
· caused by policies imposed by dominating power
· caused by deprivation of safe, available protocols combining repurposed drugs and natural treatments
· caused by denial of effective early treatments allowing avoidable progression of disease, cytokine storms, suffering, death etc.
· caused by hospital policies including deadly intubation and remdesivir
· caused by an intervention that we ignorantly allowed, encouraged or pressured people to get
· if prevented from being with people when they needed us and when they died
Betrayal may assuage some emotions by shifting blame
Guilt or shame, directed at self, can be somewhat alleviated if someone else is to blame. I think this is legitimate. Channeling collective guilt, shame, anger, moral outrage towards the prime movers, super- perpetrators might be part of the solution and help us have compassion and hold those at the highest levels accountable.
We can define a hierarchical path of betrayal and categories of betrayers, beginning with prime movers, perpetrator puppeteers, to sub-perpetrators and “willing executioners,” to unwitting perpetrators who have been coerced, seduced, lied to in lower positions of authority.
For example, formerly ethical hospital doctors and administrators, school authorities, and others were in positions of power. Some falsely believed in what they were doing. Some did not.
True colors come out when people discover the truth. Some who knew remained silent and colluded; some callously, some in quiet anguish. Courageous ones with integrity resigned, spoke out, and/or blew the whistle and were punished.
“Only following orders” does not excuse them. It may or may not allow for the hard work of redemption to be described below.
Some categories. Please add yours in comments
Prime Movers, Masterminds, Puppeteers, mostly acting on a global scale
Gates, Fauci, Schwab, WEF, Tedros, WHO, CEOs of Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Media, Big Business Covid profiteers, people behind the scenes
Secondary Perpetrators
Groomed, Seduced, Promoted, Bribed, Funded, graduates of Young Global Leaders, placed in positions of power, carrying out orders from above
· Politicians in various countries especially those trained in Klaus Schwab’s WEF Young Global Leaders Program placed around the world to carry out orders
· People running agencies including CDC, FDA and their advisory committees
· People in Big Pharma, Big Tech, dominating businesses that made billions
· People running media censorship
· People on State medical boards
· Politicians proposing and voting on harmful policies
Manipulated Betrayed Betrayers, still accountable
Coerced, incentivized, brbed, corrupted Perpetrators
Naïve, unwitting perpetrators
Cowardly, conformist, coerced, colluders
Psychologically and Biologically, Injected and Betrayed
True believers
“Remorseniks™” who took the jabs in good faith, then regretted it and may live in fear, be angry at self, angry at others
Parents and loved ones who in good faith encouraged others to get the jabs
“Coerceniks™” who were pressured to get shots they didn’t want to please a loved one, as a condition of employment, for social acceptance, for travel
Socially, Economically, Spiritually Betrayed
· Refuseniks, (not “vaccine hesitant”) who chose not to take the Covid injections and were subject to pressure, ridicule, rejection, discrimination, defamation, demonization, exclusion
Injured, Killed, Victimized True Believers, Exploited, harmed, traumatized biologically, psychologically, socially, economically, spiritually
Spikeshot [2]“vaccine” injured, disabled, harmed
Those killed by spikeshots
Their Families and loved ones
Please add your ideas in the comments.
Those betrayed include:
Those Hospitalized with Covid and Their Loved Ones
All denied critical early treatment, told to wait until symptoms got worse
All whose doctors were prevented from giving them promising, safe treatments
All who were given unnecessarily dangerous treatments, intubation, Remdesivir, without informed consent, some against their will or their doctor’s will
All who were injured, disabled or died in the hospital
Those Who Complied Believing Spikeshots were Safe & Effective
Everyone who trusted the CDC, FDA, other agencies & “experts” to protect their health
Everyone who believed that clinical trials, methods, data, statistics were conducted according to independent standards of science.
Everyone who believed the spikeshots were 95% effective, a relative rate, believing it was the absolute rate, closer to 1%
Everyone who believed that subjects in trials were representative of people receiving shots
Everyone who believed that Covid spikeshots were tested for preventing transmission and infection
Everyone lied to and denied informed consent
Everyone coerced into receiving unsafe, ineffective shots as a condition for employment, school, travel, social events, freedom
Pregnant women manipulated into getting spikeshots never tested on pregnant women
Parents who may be living in fear and dread of unknown consequences.
People with natural immunity manipulated to get shots that posed a higher risk for them, promised “hybrid immunity” (not a thing)
Everyone who still believes the narrative and doesn’t know what was going on behind the curtain
For Those Who Nobly Volunteered to Participate in Clinical Trials & Their Loved Ones
Those injured or killed whose data was eliminated from the study, this distorting the results and betraying the public
Those injured whose symptoms were minimized, denied, not recorded
Those injured and abandoned
Those in the control group later encouraged to take the shots, increasing their risks of harm, invalidating the entire trial data, and disrespecting the sacrifice of every participant.
For Those Injured by Covid Shots
Everyone injured or disabled by Covid spikeshots and their loved ones
Those killed by the shots and their loved ones
Those injured by the shots, misdiagnosed and abandoned by the medical community
Those injured, told it was all in their head, called crazy, denied treatment, referred to psych wards
Pregnant women who had miscarriages or harmed their fetuses
Those who were injured, treated with hostility, told to shut up because they would encourage “vaccine hesitancy”
Those whose injuries were attributed to anything but these shots
People with natural immunity who had adverse reactions, amputations, disabilities, deaths
Athletes dropping dead on the court
Parents manipulated to give their child unnecessary spikeshots who were harmed, killed and/or live in fear and dread
Every child, incapable of informed consent who was injured, disabled, or killed

Those Coerced to Take Unwanted the Spikeshots
Everyone denied religious, medical or other exemptions
Everyone threatened with loss of their job
Everyone who took the shots to participate in social life
Everyone pressured by loved ones
University students who were stupidly required to take ineffective, unsafe shots for Covid which posed no risk to them
For Those Who Refused the Spikeshots Who Were
Were subjected to unrelenting pressure to get the spikeshots
Were insulted, defamed, treated with hostility, vilified
Were accused of being selfish
Were feared as mortal dangers capable of killing others
Were blamed for harming or killing others
Were rejected by life-long friends, family and colleagues
Were fired from their jobs
Were excluded from school
Were excluded from family events
Were excluded from social, professional gatherings and events
Were denied travel
Were called naïve, stupid, dangerous, Trump-loving right-wing conspiracy theorists, including progressives, independents, Democrats, Greens, and left-wingers
Were censored and de-platformed
Lost their professional license or were suspended from work
Athletes like Novak Djokovic, deprived from competitions

Health conscious Covid survivor, Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay Packers’ all-time leader in touchdown passes with natural immunity, became a target of ridicule for refusing the shots.
Everyone who had their entire social fabric instantly ripped away from them
Every student who was robbed of education and set back
Everyone who was traumatized by any policy
Current and future family members of students robbed of education, setback socially, emotionally, intellectually and financially irrevocably harmed.
Everyone who missed their class trip, prom, graduation
Everyone who couldn’t have a normal wedding or go on honeymoon
Everyone whose loved ones were forced to die alone
Everyone who couldn’t experience a normal funeral and traditional mourning rituals
Everyone who lost their business, source of income and life’s work, watching their wealth transferred to billionaires
Everyone who was abused during lockdown
Everyone grieving for loved ones killed by the Covid shots
Everyone burdened caring for loved ones harmed and disabled by the Covid shots
Fans of celebrities likely killed by the shots Bob Saget, Hank Aaron, Taylor Hawkins
Fans of all the cancelled tours – Justin Bieber
Manipulated Colluders Who Caused Harm Unwittingly
Many intelligent, ethical people were propagandized into believing that the virus was deadly and contagious, and that the Refuseniks were a mortal danger. Most are not bad people but can be faulted for incuriosity, refusal to dialogue and misjudging people.
Some may be educable, open to the truth, feel remorse, and recognize that they have been betrayed into betraying others, even loved ones. Some may be mature enough to acknowledge the truth, make amends, earn forgiveness and redemption.
They may feel regret, embarrassment, guilt and shame for:
Pressuring others to get shots they did not know were dangerous.
Becoming uncharacteristically rude to people they previously cared about.
Misjudging people they have known, admired and loved
Unwitting Betrayed to Become Perpetrators
People in positions of power, like politicians, hospital administrators, medical board members, school administrators, etc. who were coerced, bribed and incentivized to enforce policies that caused harm or death. Many caused inexcusable harm. Still, they allowed themselves to be betrayed. Few may be capable of redemption but they have to earn it, testify and make amends. (more in part 2)
Cowards, Conformists
People without the psychological make up and courage to refuse, resist or speak out People who calculate the consequences to self or loved ones to be devastating
Those who suffered moral anguish and inner conflict being caught in painful dilemmas
Tessa Lena’s poignant take on betrayal, including this future letter to children of the pandemic, has inspired my deeper thinking on betrayal. Her grandparents’ generation in the USSR idealistically devoted their lives to a movement that turned out to be a lie. Her decent, hardworking elders were deeply unhappy and incapable of joy.
“I saw, heartbreakingly … how unhealed emotional wounds, especially the feeling of being unjustly wronged at a younger age, transformed into physical sickness over time.
I saw how unfought-for joy and unfought-against perception of martyrdom of a younger person transformed into all-consuming negativity of an older person. … I saw the emotional suffering of the people whom I loved …”
If we are conscious, and if we organize, we need not be doomed by the experience of betrayal.
What Makes Betrayal More Difficult and Traumatic
Suffering in silence
Suffering in vain
Impunity of the perpetrators
Blaming victim
Abandoning the victims
Meaninglessness of their suffering
What Allows for Post Traumatic Growth and Healing
Connection with others
Ability to safely speak truth
Creating meaning from suffering
Personal and social agency
Publicly holding perpetrators to account
Various forms of reparative justice for different parties
Acknowledging, compensating, healing victims
Correcting laws, reforming institutions or creating new ones
Preventing such betrayal in the future
Creating a healthier society
The Need for a Process for Conscious Evolution
Since ancient times various cultures have developed methods to heal from individual, social and collective trauma, such as Hawaii’s Ho’o Pono Pono (setting things “right, very right”), Rwanda’s Gacaca courts, etc. In recent decades we have developed various tribunals, truth commissions, reconciliation processes and more.
In 1993, at the end of Apartheid in South Africa in 1993, there was great worry about a potential for a bloodbath following decades of betrayal and harm suffered by Blacks.
A Truth and Reconciliation Commission, TRC, chaired by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, struggled with the dilemma between the victims’ need for accountability and a way to deal with perpetrators whom they had to live with, some in government. They developed a process for conditional, earned amnesty, that required testimony. In 1996 they began hearings on human rights abuses committed by former government and liberation movements. The was a powerful communal process in the country. On Sunday nights there was a TV review widely viewed. The TRC had some political and psychological successes and some shortcomings, as have other strategies.
If we consciously address the fallout (mixing metaphors) from our 3 year Covid ordeal, we can channel the momentum in constructive ways towards individual and collective healing and reparative justice, as opposed to destructive despair, revenge, and chaos.
Given the archetypal depths of betrayal and the near universality of our experience, this collective trauma may contain the seeds for collective healing and transformation, or not. We can go through this consciously or unconsciously, creatively or destructively. This is a golden opportunity for CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION.
Jung described consciousness as a “work against nature” an “opus contra naturum,” against being automatic, mindless, reactive.
Stay tuned for Part 2, towards a social science of repair ….
[1] I use some quotes I got from this brilliant, profound article, by Mello, Trust And Betrayal – How To Destroy, Take Over And Transform The Society When No One is Watching
[2] “Spikeshot” is the winner of my contest to “Name that Shot” accurately since these are not vaccines, to demystify this propaganda technique. Name That Shot Contest. The Winner Is
The title is reminiscent of the new, important book, Turtles All the Way Down, (I am linking to Goodreads, trying to boycott Amazon when possible) It is an anonymous book by Israeli doctors and scientists, edited by Zoey O’Toole and CHD’s Mary Holland.Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth. An absolutely devastating takedown of the vaccine industry, especially coming on the heels of the 'safe and effective' covid shots, which are actually neither. This book was published in 2019 but just recently translated into English. However, Betrayal All the Way Down works in its own right and is an accurate description.
Got to scroll and scroll, fast, . . . to comment on your perfection. Love it.
Professional University Science Critiquer. Habit, lol, (long time. 32 + years,) ya 32 + lo8l, years.